Robotic kinematics
@JoergS5 I have tried using the 4 axis pelletized earlier and was unable, will you be releasing it soon? I am using this for a school project and tought it was working so I am in a bit of trouble now
@Toaster0042 I will make a release soon.
@Toaster0042 You can help me by providing
- some pictures of the robot arm. Special interest is how the parallelogram is built, i. e. is it a triangle or some other solution. How is the parallelogram connected to the endpoint?
- exact measures of arm lengths
- to which parts are the steppers connected
This allows me to build the same and verify the code before publishing.
@JoergS5 I can get the measurements to you a bit later but this is the arm I am using
@Toaster0042 I don't need the measurements, because it's not a 4 axis parallel robot.
It's like an industrial 6 axis robot, but without the 6th axis. Instead the 6th axis, the 6th actuator is used to grip.
I have code for the 6 axis robot, but not for your 5 axis plus gripper. I have to think about it. Your project is interesting, I want to support your robot type if possible. I will ask you to test code with your robot to verify the code.
@JoergS5 ah ok, I tought it would fall under the 4 axis robot with an aditional rotating joint, I am fine with testing it I simply need to finish printing it as I have not finished it yet and was trying to get the firmware set before but I will be happy to test the code
I have time in May and June now to proceed developing robot kinematics. The order is
- 4 axis parallel (the black robot arm), probably as a quick-and-dirty approach first for @YuriConfessor
- DWC plugin to design and analyse a given model
- CoreXY/Prusa/Cartesian 5 axis AC and BC
- 6 axis robot
- testing whether Qt is a possibility for a designer/slicer
- elaborate tool design. My personal priority is using robot for CNC, so I'll work on support for different tools (tool shape etc).
I'll use 3.5.1 as basis.
@JoergS5 Dear Joerg, thank you for sharing all of your hard work. I have this post and RepRap configuration regarding robot 3D printing. Since I am new to this topic, I may as you s question about configuring. Can we use the same procedure if we have a 6DOF robotic arm with its own controller and need to add an extruder to it?
from my understanding, most of the discussions in the forum and documentation focused on developing a robotic arm and its configuration however I couldn't figure it out how to synchronize robot motion and extruder commands for printing.Thank you,
Mohamad -
@Mummed You can define fans, heater and a tool same as any other 3D printer. But to make it work with a 6DOF arm, you'd need a matching slicer.
@JoergS5 Hey! I just wanted to check back on this and see if you had made progress on this and if you had made the implementation of the new kinematics
@Toaster0042 you're right, I should inform, I will prepare an update.
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