Smart effector first layer issues
Oke, I ran the macro. This time it touched the paper @Z2.1... But before was a cold nozzle
Nozzle won't make that much difference ...what was the offset ?
touching the paper at Z2.15
Z probe trigger height set to -0.241 mm -
-2mm from M665 H please we can add it back if needed and run it again please
when you start your machine the effector does flash 2 times yeah?
It flashes 3 times at startup
I removed 2mm again, but paper bites at the same spot, becouse it probes first I think?
Z probe trigger height set to -0.153 mm -
The probing also go's a bit fast and really taps the bed, should this not go a bit more gentle?
Thats fine no it wants a good tap mmine is set the same ...Did you mention you reset the sens of the effector with
M672 S131:131 ?Z probe trigger height set to -0.153 mm is much closer to my set up
New macro it repeat probe testG28
G30 P0 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P1 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P2 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P3 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P4 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P5 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P6 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P7 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P8 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P9 X0 Y0 Z-9999 S-1 -
No, it is set @ S105:30:225
M672 not sure it works ? see what it says
M98 P"0:/macros/repeat probe test"
G32 bed probe heights: -1.875 -1.863 -1.863 -1.863 -1.863 -1.875 -1.863 -1.875 -1.875 -1.875, mean -1.869, deviation from mean 0.006 -
During the delta calibration and mesh it goes much more gentle still, should that tap at the same speed?
Print with or without mesh?
Thats normal probe tests are F3000 your G31 F1200
So probe offset then G29 new height map sorry
print with G29 S1 -
Thanks a lot for the help so far, hopefully we will get there. I have to get going a little but, just keep posting, but I will try it later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks a lot!!
Wow explosive!
; Heat bed to 60C & nozzle to 130C
M104 S130 T0
M190 S60 T0
M109 S130 T0
M106 P2 S0
G31 P100 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Reset Z trigger height to 0mm
M290 R0 S0 ; Reset babystepping
G29 S2 ; Clear bed mesh
G28 ; Home the effector
G1 X0 Y0 Z20 F1200 ; Move close to the bed
G30 ; Probe to find a rough Z 0mmG1 X0 Y0 Z1 F1200 ; Move the nozzle to Z 1mm slowly
G92 Z3.0 ; Set the Z height to 3mm, allowing moves below 0
M291 P"Lower the nozzle to until it touches a 0.10mm shim. Click to continue." S2 Z1
G92 Z0 ; Define this point as 0mm
G1 X0 Y0 Z20 ; Move the probe to Z 20mm
G30 S-3 ; Probe and set the trigger height
G1 Z20 ; Raise Z to 20mmTry that then G29 dont run calibration
We will get there I had weeks of this!
Ok add the 2mm back to M665 H run the macro again please then G29
This should be a delta calibration issue I guess. Probably the delta radius or so
We change the height based off of the Z0 yesterday so adding it back to rule that outAlso send M672 see what it spits out