The nth attempt to add a TronXY XY-08N Inductive Sensor
as far as I can see no one could get the XY-08N inductive sensor running with an duet 2 wifi bord.
Someone managed it with an ramps-board, but all other (I could find) bought another sensor... just like me ...Until I get my delivery in about a month has someone an idea what's wrong with the duet board/gcode?
sth with the voltage-delta?
sth wrong with M574(what is this good for)??/M558?... ?here three videos I made - just to remember me...
0) PLAYLIST: Duet 2 Wifi does not work with inductive Tronxy XY-08N z-sensor, Duet 2 Wifi does not work with inductive Tronxy XY-08N z-sensor / 24V sensor test and Z-Probe gcode
, - Duet 2 Wifi does not work with inductive Tronxy XY-08N z-sensor / 24V sensor test and multimeter,
- Duet 2 Wifi does not work with inductive Tronxy XY-08N z-sensor / 5V sensor test and multimeter,
current gcode (It changes almost minute by minute;)
--- cut ---
M574 Z1 S1 P"!^zstop" ;??? ^!???; Zn Position: 0=none, 1=lowend, 2=highend
; Sn switch-type: 1=(eg microswitch), 2=Zprobe(when used to home an axis other than Z) , 3=single motor load, 4=multiple motor...
M558 P5 C"^" H5 F120 T6000
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z2.5 ; set Z
---n paste --- - Duet 2 Wifi does not work with inductive Tronxy XY-08N z-sensor / 24V sensor test and Z-Probe gcode
@nyn When I used an inductive sensor. I use a relay module. Wired the sensor to trip the relay and used the relay output as a switch type endstop.
I use a roko SN-04 probe on my FLSun cube, the same one that comes with the anet A8 and it looks similar to the one you've listed.
Works perfectly fine.
Here is my config codeM558 P1 C"!" H2 A5 F120 T20000 S0.02
The solution was to avoid the Signal pin of the Z_PROBE and use the Z_STOP pin. So the cabeling is from:
;### "inductive sensor" -> "duet wifi" ### ;*S*ignal -> Z_STOP ; + -> JUMPER: EXT 5V EN \+5V ; - -> GND (currently Z_POBE)
and is working with the code:;;; INDUCTIVE ;;; M558 P5 C"!zstop" H6 A5 F120 T20000 S0.07
Took me a long time to understand that "nothing worked(TM)" because of the H argument. It has to be "high" enough to get rid of an G30-"Error: Z probe already triggered at start of probing move"
A F and S are too cryptic documented and have also some side effects to other "self-made commands" ... Just use "trial and error" (1000 times G28/29/30) or googeling for "cut n paste"
BTW the "M558 P1" analog signal mode is at Z_STOP no longer possible use P5 ... "Error: M558: Pin 'zstop' does not support mode analog read"And do not use any M574 Z1 (Set endstop configuration)
Probably the Z_PROBE_IN input on this board is broken ... I already got my (undocumented(like all other 3D printer stuff)) piezo sensor stuff and after endless tests, measuring and prototyping I got it only running with the usage of the Z_STOP pin.Maybe it's possible to do a fuction test of Z_PROBE_IN - but who knows...
@nyn You may need to enable the pullup resistor of the zprobe input with
in front of the pin name in some cases in RFF3.M558 c"^"
Not sure if that would help here, but might explain it not working as expected.
Hi , thanks for your help. I already permuted all (I don't know what a "pull...resistor" is here for) combinations of [ !^] without any success
But I tested it again ... funny thing - with still correct blinkig/recognizing LEDs on the Universal Piezo bla
I get a constant Z-Probe=2 with C"!^" and constant 1000 with C"^"
all in all "P1" with " "=1000 "!"=0 "!^"=2 "^"=1000
... whatever ... without any kind of technical information about the duet wifi board it's pointless...I still use P5 C"!zstop" and it works ... now bed leveling does not work ... just another construction...
Post your entire M558 and G31 lines.
connect the signal to
that is better because it has a higher tolerance.
at the moment you have 5v connected. that might not be enough to power the probe