automatic switch off printer
Hi Guys,
I wired an a relay and now it´s possible to switch off the printer with M42 P4 S255 via Out9 .
Is it also possible if the temperature of heating bed, nozzle or print camber is too high to switch off automatically via the board?
i mean to check the configurated thermistors and if they are too hot to send the command...
like switch on hotend fan at 45 degree -
Check out M143
You could also monitor temps and take actions using conditional gcode and daemon.g file that runs on loop in the background.
If you control your relay via the ps_on pin then I believe in later firmware versions RRF will send M81 on a heater fault
That would also allow you to defer shutting down until the hotend is cool etc. using M81 S1
Otherwise do it in daemon.g -
thx. i´m already using M143 in my config:
if there is an fault with the ssr the heatbed can´t be switched off by that... so i want to send command via out9 to my relais. this will power off the main switch.M308 S0 P"temp1" Y"thermistor" A"Heizbett" T100000 B4138 ; configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin temp0
M950 H0 C"out1" T0 ; create bed heater output on out0 and map it to sensor 0
M143 H0 S135 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 135C
M140 H0 ; map heated bed to heater 0
;M307 H0 R0.633 C343.0 D3.15 S0.6 V24.2 ; disable bang-bang mode for the nozzle heater and set PWM limit and PID settings
M307 H0 R0.666 C300.5 D2.33 S0.60 V24.2 ;110 Grad 60% Leistung;Nozzle
M308 S1 P"temp0" Y"thermistor" A"Nozzle" T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ; configure sensor 1 as thermistor on pin temp1
M950 H1 C"out0" T1 ; create nozzle heater output on out0 and map it to sensor 1
M143 H1 S280 ; set temperature limit for heater 1 to 280C
M307 H1 R1.360 C368.300:368.300 D5.30 S1.00 V24.1 B0 ; disable bang-bang mode for the nozzle heater and set PWM limit and PID settings -
@OwenD hmmm ok. my plan is to monitoring 4 temperatures. Heatbed, nozzle, print camber and one thermistor in my electronic bay... if there is the temperature over an set limit the printer should power off.
with M42 P4 S255 i can power off the printer but i´m not sure to handle this depending of four temperatures
;Switch Off Printer
M950 P4 C"out9" -
I do it in daemon.g
It loops about once per second depending on what you have in it.Note, I'm using RRF 3.3b2 which allows variables which I use to only do the check every 20 seconds or so.
You'd need to put your M42 commands in where I have M81
; 0:/sys/daemon.g ; runs continually in background at approximately 1Hz if not delayed internally ;HEATER CHECKS ; this section of daemon.g checks for heater faults ; RRF doesn't currently check for faults when idle but by default will shutdownduring printing if temperature excursion is > 15 degrees. ; Note: temp excursion value and time may be manually set using M570 ; checking if temp is rising requires a variable. I have used a variable called global.LastCheckTime (which is created in config.g and set to zero) for this and to do elapsed time since last check ; G4 could be used but would also delay anything else in daemon.g ; this way allows other checks to run more frequently if needed however the G4 delays inside the loop will affect the frequency of daemon.g ; will be updated when variables are available in RRF. while iterations < #heat.heaters ; loop through all configured heaters if state.upTime < 60 break; If uptime is < 60 seconds, break out so all fans etc have time to stabilise. if ((global.LastCheckTime+10) > state.upTime) ; if checked in last 10 seconds escape loop and go to rest of daemon.g if present. offset will be zero at startup via config.g ;echo "skipping loop " ^ " " ^ state.upTime ^ " " ^ global.LastCheckTime+10 if global.LastCheckTime - state.upTime > 60 ; uptime must have rolled over so reset off set to zero G10 P2 Y0 echo "upTime has rolled over. Heater checking reset" break ;echo "checking heater " ^ iterations ^ " " ^ state.upTime ^ " " ^ global.LastCheckTime+10 if heat.heaters[iterations].state="tuning" ;echo "heater " ^ iterations ^ " is tuning - no check carried out" continue ; don't check this heater as it is PID auto tuning if (heat.heaters[iterations].current) > (heat.heaters[iterations].max) ; temp is over max so emergency shutdown required ;M41 P5 S1 ; activate output connected to externally powered latching relay here to sound alarm echo "heater over max temp fault detected in daemon.g. - shutting down" M112; emergency shutdown M81 S1 ; turn off power when fans have turned off if (heat.heaters[iterations].current > 45) && (heat.heaters[iterations].active > 45); no real danger at below this temp as ambient may be close to this ;echo "heater " ^ iterations ^ " is above 45 degrees" if (heat.heaters[iterations].state!="off") && (heat.heaters[iterations].current > heat.heaters[iterations].active + 15) ; temp is > 15 degrees above target. ;echo "heater " ^ iterations ^ " is on or in standby - checking if temp is rising" set global.LastTemp = heat.heaters[iterations].current ; set the last check temp G4 S3 ; wait 3 seconds if (heat.heaters[iterations].current > global.LastTemp + 0.5) ; heat is rising by more than 0.5 degrees in 3 seconds echo "heater runaway fault detected in daemon.g. - shutting down" if (state.status=="processing") M25 ; pause print so you might be able to save it using M119 ;M41 P5 S1 ; activate output connected to externally powered latching relay here to sound alarm M0 ; unconditional stop. If axes are homed and a print is being canceled will run cancel.g otherwise will run stop.g M81 S1 ; turn off power when fans have turned off else ;echo "heater is on or standby but temp is falling on heater " ^ iterations ^ " - no action needed" elif (heat.heaters[iterations].state="off") && ((heat.heaters[iterations].current) >= (fans[1].thermostatic.lowTemperature+0)) ; if heater is off and temp is greater than 50 there could be an issue ;echo "heater " ^ iterations ^ " is off but checking if temp is rising" set global.LastTemp = heat.heaters[iterations].current; G4 S3 ; wait 3 seconds if (heat.heaters[iterations].current > global.LastTemp + 0.5) ; heat is rising by more than 0.5 degrees in 3 seconds ;echo "heater is off but temp is rising on heater " ^ iterations ^ "emergency shutdown" ;M41 P5 S1 ; activate output connected to externally powered latching relay here to sound alarm echo "heater runaway fault detected in daemon.g. - shutting down" M112; emergency shutdown M81 S1 ; turn off power when fans have turned off else ;echo "heater is off & temp is falling or stable on heater " ^ iterations ^ " - no action needed" else ;heater is below 45 degrees so only other fault may be an open circuit thermistor which should show -275 degrees if heat.heaters[iterations].current < 0 ; we probably have a thermistor fault if heater is less than 0 degrees M112 ; emergency shutdown M81 S1 ; turn off power when fans have turned off ;Check if water pump is running correctly if (iterations=1) && ((heat.heaters[1].current) > (fans[1].thermostatic.lowTemperature+0)) if fans[1].rpm <= 500 ; Coolant pump RPM off or low G4 S3 ; check again in 3 seconds in case it's just spinning up if fans[1].rpm <= 500 echo "Water pump fault - shutting down heaters - RPM : " ^ fans[1].rpm M25 ; pause print so you might be able to save it using M119 M0 ; unconditional stop. If axes are homed and a print is being canceled will run cancel.g otherwise will run stop.g M81 S1 ; turn off power when fans have turned off elif (fans[1].rpm > 500) && (fans[1].rpm < 1400) G4 S3 ; check again in 3 seconds in case it's just spinning up if (fans[1].rpm > 500) && (fans[1].rpm < 1400) echo "WARNING: Water pump RPM low - RPM : " ^ fans[1].rpm if (state.status=="processing") M25 ; pause print so you might be able to save it using M119 ;M41 P5 S1 ; activate output connected to externally powered latching relay here to sound alarm M0 ; unconditional stop. If axes are homed and a print is being canceled will run cancel.g otherwise will run stop.g M81 S1 ; turn off power when fans have turned off else ;echo "Coolant OK - RPM : " ^ fans[1].rpm if fans[2].rpm <=1000 echo "WARNING: Water pump FAN RPM low - RPM : " ^ fans[2].rpm if (state.status=="processing") M25 ; pause print so you might be able to save it using M119 ;M41 P5 S1 ; activate output connected to externally powered latching relay here to sound alarm M0 ; unconditional stop. If axes are homed and a print is being canceled will run cancel.g otherwise will run stop.g M81 S1 ; turn off power when fans have turned off if iterations == #heat.heaters-1 ; all heaters have been checked set global.LastCheckTime = state.upTime ; set the new time to check ; END HEATER CHECKS ; run other checks ;G4 S10 ; pause daemon.g for 10 seconds before next run -
ah ok thx. i check that out...
to run this daemon.g i have this to start in config or it starts automatically
you create it in the SYS folder
0:\sys\Once created it will start to run.
To edit it or delete it, you must first rename it. -
understood. thx