BtnCmd-DWC Plugin - Customise DWC - v01.03.08 01-03-25
@jay_s_uk Thank you very much for the link!
@mintytrebor I have deleted the www folder and then re-installed the dwc package.
Then i was able to install the latest BtnCmd Version. But the problem with the info text behind the panels remains.
For me, that is not a big problem. I will erase the info text of the buttons, because i do not really need them.
Thanks for your help and time... -
@cosmowave very strange.
Can you also try removing dwc-settings.json?
it'll get recreated at boot -
@jay_s_uk Deleting dwc-settings.json had also no effect. The hover-texts, and sometimes the blue edit buttons, are still behind the panels.
I have deleted my hover texts. For me it's ok, when we close this problem... -
Is it possible to move tabs in layout or custom panel mode?
@cosmowave Use the clone tab feature - clone each tab in the order you want them to appear then delete the originals once you are happy.
I would take a backup first though
Edit: Be careful with this approach if you use it to re-order custom panels, it creates a new custom panel ID, which is used to embed them in normal layout tabs.
Now I'm wondering if I added any checks to prevent a custom panel deletion if it is use in a layout.. One to put on my list I think.
I have updated BtnCmd for version DWC 3.4 b2 which can be found with the existing release for DWC 3.3.
@MintyTrebor Is there an option to save and export plugin configuration so that custom layouts can be deployed on multiple machines
@chimaeragh gives you an option to name the backup file, you can then download/upload from the system folder through the existing DWC file browser interface.
@mintytrebor Thanks
I have used this plugin to create a simplified dashboard to control my CNC on a mobile phone as the default dashboard is too cluttered for me.
I would like to add movement buttons to another tab that I can set move distances like this
Any idea how this can be achieved?
@chimaeragh Possibly.... by using variables:
- Define A global variable
- Create a set of buttons that change the value of the global variable to a fixed value (0.01, 0.05 etc)
- Add an object model panel to display the current value of the global variable (
- Create a macro for each access movement (X+, Y- etc) using the global variable for the distance parameter.
- Create macro buttons for each axis movement macro. (X+, X- etc)
@mintytrebor Thanks
@mintytrebor I'm having the same installation error as stuartofmt. I tried installing A.0.8.20 on RRF 3.3 via the settings "upload system files" button but it just goes "upload complete" and doesn't bring up any instructions or similar.
There's now a folder in Sys which has the .json. -
@samanthajaneycake Do you see the plugin installation wizard? What config are you running? (Standalone Board or Board/DSF/SBC)?
I have published 0.8.21 for DWC 3.3 & 3.4:
You can now choose to show/hide the DWC top panel when in the BtnCmd screen (Enable in Plugin Global Settings)
Added more standard DWC panels, including:
- Movement
- Baby Stepping
- Tools
- Job Control
- Extrusion Control
- Extrusion Factors
Release Here: -
@mintytrebor Cool!
Thanks for your work and this awesome PlugIn! -
@mintytrebor Is it possible to include the temperature graph in the "standard DWC panels"? With adjustable size would be nice!
@cosmowave I'll have a look and push an update if I can include it.