Start-up macro
I've been using Lulzbots recently and they automatically home when you turn on the power.
I think that's kinda cool. Is there a way to do this in RRF?
This is a bad idea.
Rule of thumb is that machines should not move without you telling it to do so.Yes you can call your homeall.g file in your config.g file. This is one way to home the printer automatically on start up. Please do not do this.
Depending on your printer setup it could cause major failures/crashes. For instance this would cause the machine to home every time the emergency stop is activated.
Not a good idea.
In the course of a day's printing the printer will be homed many times.
There is nothing to be gained by having it home on power up and it's possible that something could go wrong.
Just to put the icing on the cake, if you have G28 to home automatically at power up, what happens when you have a power blip mid print? When the power returns and the board starts up, it will home the printer and crash into whatever print is left on the bed.