Will this antenna cable work with the Mini5+ ?
I need a slightly longer antennal cable for a new Mini5+ based build.
Will this one (25cm) cable work with Mini4+ and the external antenna that comes with it?
If not, any other recommendation?
Also, what is the antenna connector model on the Mini5+? Could not find any antenna spec or discussion at https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Duet_3_Mini_5plus_Hardware_overview
@zapta Yes I think it will fit. The Duet Mini5+ WiFi has a ESP-WROOM-02U WiFi chip which provides a U.FL connector.
@chrishamm, thanks. Is it just a matter of connectors or does the length and cable characteristics need to match somehow (impendence, wave length, etc.)?
BTW, also found this one, slightly longer and from a reliable source.
@zapta the coax used needs to be appropriate for the 2.4Ghz Wifi signals. Most SMA to U.FL short coax cables are likely to work. Have a look at the datasheet of the digikey one you linked, you can see the insertion loss differences for a 150mm vs a 280mm coax. -0.8db to -1.3db.
Thanks @t3p3tony, this is very useful.