2 x radial 24volts fan not spining
Hi ,
I have a duet wifi all with 24volt psu.
I connected two 24 volts radial fan in parallel on fan output. they spin only after I give it a spin with my finger, they don't start by himself. Any idea where is the problemthx
Andrea -
Why did you need to wire them in Parallel when you have 5 fan outputs
Do they turn properly when connected to the always on fan pins (with 24V directly applied, no PWM)
@ Dougla1957 'beçouse I want drive both at same speed in the same time
@T3P3Tony , I'll make some tests and then I'll report
Hook the grounds together and use your PWM fan connection for power to one fan, ground for both, and grab 24 volts from somewhere else for your second fan.
Thank you for replay. I installed the wire for suggested config. Can suggest me were I can grab 24v safely? I was thinking about the alwais on fan pin. I have one free.
Andrea -
That should work fine.