touch screen trouble
Hi guys, I'm struggling with a touch screen. My setup is a duet 6HC with a raspberry 4B 8Gb and that works. I like to have a large screen on it, hence a 21.5" iiyama prolite touch screen T2252MSC-B1. The good news it that the screen works fine, and the touch also works without having to install or setup anything.
But, the touch is very troublesome. It almost never does what is expected, which would be when I tap the screen behave like a left mouse click. It does move the cursor to the place where I tap, or right button click which opens the right click menu. Only once in 10 times I get the expected left mouse click. Infuriating and basically useless.
I spend hours and hours on raspberry forums to see how to disable right mouse click or otherwise modify behavior. Unfortunately I couldnt find anything useful. I'm very unfamiliar with raspberry/linux so I can only do basic stuff like modify config files.
Of course I can kick out the raspberry and replace it with with a windows PC to enjoy a proper touch screen, but that is a waste of space and money.
If somebody has a good idea how to improve this I would be very grateful!
I have only used a smaller 10 inch HDMI touch screen with the Pi (or else a normal large HDMI monitor and a keyboard and mouse) but I have not seen this behaviour. Have you reached out iiuama to ask about use with Linux? It may not be something specific to Raspberry Pi.
Thanks for your reply. I tried another (older) iiyama and that works perfectly…. Go figure. Both have Linux compatibility. The older screen is eol though and it’s not mine.
Good idea to ask iiyama. I’ll do that and see what comes up.