import expansion port header to KiCad5.1?
Hi Gents,
I'm new to KiCad and try to import the Duet2_v1.04/Headers.sch into my own KiCad project.
Trying to open the .sch file I got from github into KiCad5.1
KiCad tries to convert the part list to their new library, but doesn't find a single part. At least, that's what I gathered from KiCad's response.Would it help to import the complib.pretty first and how do I do that?
Thanks and have patience with me
Olaf -
I could open the whole duetWifi project and add the DuetWifi.lib into the custom parts list. But complib.pretty was no success.
Trying to open headers.sch in a new project didn't use DuetWifi.lib either.
Instead I got a new set of error reports.
One part in DuetWifi.lib was even refered to G:/myDrive/.... -
@o_lampe I have not looked into the compatibility between older KiCAD and 5.1 yet.
complib.pretty is here:
download the directory and then add it as a library (if that works). -
@t3p3tony OK, thanks Tony.
I found the way to move headers.sch from on project to another. Just copy it into the project folder and add it as hirarchical schematic.
But before that, I had to update the footprint- (complib.pretty) and symbol libraries. Adding both to their "global" libraries and let it find the matching names in the Duet project. -
@t3p3tony Another problem occured: After importing the old duet2 schematic in my project, I can see the expansion header. But a few pins are marked unconnected after running a design rule check. (green arrows)
It seems a few pins are off-grid ? I can't reach them with the cursor. (eg. one of the GND on the left and some SPI0-pins)
Any clue how to change the grid ? Or make it match both headers?//edit OK, the SPI0-problem disappeared, I labeled them SPIO instead. But still the off grid problem persists
@o_lampe change the grid to one where the pin line up to the grid. in older KiCAD schemas these was probably 0.635
I made a version with jumper wires, just to test functionality. I still don't know if you received my mails? So I post it here. -
To whom it might concern, I've tested all thermistors, endstops and heaters with no problems.
Only untested parts are the stepper drivers, they'll run as standalone or external drivers for now.
No SPI or UART-config so far. -