Something like Klipper "TUNING_TOWER"
Of the new printer I have ordered, you can order with Duet or Btt Octopus.
Those that come with a board with Klipper installed, so I have read they have a function called "TUNING_TOWER", which seems to be inserted at the beginning of the gcode to print and changes the values of pressure in advance and I think it changes retraction with the layers
In this way it can be identified, once the piece is printed at what height the best finish is achieved, better values for retraction and pressure in advance
Is there any way to emulate this with Duet?
@peirof , does this help? Scroll down to "Simplest Method Possible" in that page.
Edit: duet allows to change configuration at any time during the print so you can use this technique to create a tuning tower for any config parameter you like.
@zapta sure, thanks....