I will not be able to use bed compensation?
I just read something that has me worried...
It seems that this article that I have read is old, I do not know if it will be valid yet.
If you read, at the beginning, in the epigraph, "Using a Probe – Intro and Explained", it says that: "If you have 2 or more individual Z-motors and have configured Auto Bed Compensation in combination with Mesh Grid Compensation a Z- max endstop is mandatory (is it really?) in order for the Printer to calculate your Z plane accurately."
This is true?, I hope not, since the printer I'm building does NOT have Zendstops, and i will not be able to use "Grid Compensation"...
Or did I misunderstand... -
@peirof no, it's not true. None of my conventional printers have z endstops so don't worry
No you don't need a Z endstop but it can make homing Z quicker and homing, in general, simpler.
All my printers have Z endstops and Z probes.
@peirof that’s an old guide for RRF 2.x, and that statement isn’t even true for RRF2!
A Z max endstop is useful if a print is interrupted eg power cut, though. You can home to that when a print resumes, without the nozzle or z probe hitting the print.