Is P is also a reserved macro param letter?
The macro parameters documentations says " do not use G, M, N or T as parameters" so I used P but it also doesn't seem to work.
In macro.g
echo {param.P}
And then invoking using the command line which results in the error: unknown parameter 'P'.
M98 P"macro.g" P100
Is P also a reserved param letter?
(I am using RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 Mini 5+ 3.4.0beta5 (2021-10-12))
The P parameter is not accessible from within the macro.
The reason I was given was that it's assumed we already know the name of the macro we are running.
I think it would be handy to be able to parse the currently running macro, but effort vs return probably doesn't cut it with the other developments in the works.
Thanks @owend. In that case, may be useful to update the documentation, adding it to the list of 'problematic' macro parameters. Took me some time to figure this out.