Request for canned cycle implementation
G80 is (according to this wiki article) specific to canned cycles for CNCs; specific operations such as drilling, reaming or boring, that are carried out, I believe with moved relative to a higher level move command. I believe this functionality may be possible to emulate by calling macros for now, but I suspect it may be very helpful for people attempting to use RepRapFirmware for CNC milling.
This is a link to a further article on canned cycles.
@jrow I would agree with you. some cannned cycles like peck drilling or deep drilling would be very useful.
My guess though is that they are not used on the duet because program size isn't really a concern on the duet so having thousands of lines of code for a bunch of peck drilled holes wouldn't bog down the controller like it would a machine from the 90's.
But I would second that Canned cycles would be useful.
@jrow I believe this can be implemented by writing appropriate system macro files, e.g. a macro file called G81.g would process any G81 commands present in the job file. It just needs someone with more knowledge of CNC machine than I have to write and publish the macro files.
@dc42 is there a way to take the X, Y, Z, etc and use those inside the macro?
For instance a peck drill cycle would provide the XY location and how deep to drill total as well as the peck depth. You would need to be able to take those from the M81 line and use them in the macro.
Here is my M6 macro as an example:
if exists(param.T) if ( global.EndMillNum != param.T) set global.EndMillNum = param.T G53 G0 Z0 ; Go to 0 Z in Machine Co-ordanates ; Move to the tool change location G53 G0 X{global.ToolChngXLoc} Y{global.ToolChngYLoc} M291 R"Tool Change" P{"Please load tool number " ^ param.T ^ " into the spindle and click OK"} S2 M98 P"/macros/BitSetter.g" G53 G0 Z0 ; Go to 0 Z in Machine Co-ordanates M291 R"Set Spindle Speed" P{"Please Set Your Spindle Speed and click OK"} S2 else M291 R"Tool Change Error" P"T Parameter Not Set" S2 M0 -
@cthulhulabs ohhh, so you can use parameters inside a macro that you call? Is that what I'm looking at?
@jrow said in Request for canned cycle implementation:
@cthulhulabs ohhh, so you can use parameters inside a macro that you call? Is that what I'm looking at?
@dc42 consider my request for canned cycles low priority then!