Toolboard V1.2 Heater 1 fault: failed to read sensor: bad Vssa
Dear Community,
I have some problems with an Toolboard.
after everything worked initially, a heater fault was displayed from one moment to the next. A Phaetus Rapido HF Hotend is installed.
Following Error Message:
Error: Heater 1 fault: failed to read sensor: bad VssaI disconnected the heater and thermistor and also used the second thermistor channel. No chance.
Here is the M122 B20:
I've reset the board and reinstalled the firmware. RRF 3.4.0 is used
Do you have any idea?
Is the Toolboard faulty?Regards Christian
@cr3d that photo is way too unclear regarding heater and thermistor wiring to make any call. Have you tried swapping the toolboards between the two tool heads?
@cr3d I've seen this problem once before. If there is a short between the hot end heater and the ground side of the thermistor, then the VSSA fuse is supposed to protect the board. Unfortunately, the 10 ohm resistor R47 may blow before the VSSA fuse kicks in. So if you have a multimeter, I suggest you check resistor R47.
@dc42 thank you i will check the resistor