Printer moves slower when extruder motor is spinning
Hey everyone. Im using a Duet3 mainboard with RRF3.3. Im making a hangprinter with a pellet extruder however everything is run on stepper motors still.
Im experiencing this issue where if I send the command G1 x20 f2000, it moves at 1 speed but if I do an extruder movement like G1 x20 e20 f2000, it moves at much slower speed. Im using a geared Nema17 50:1 motor for the pellet extruder and Nema 23s for the Hangprinter axis motors. Please let me know if any other info is needed. Thanks.
Posted below is my config file. Thanks
; Enable network M552 P129.100.228.115 S1 M550 P"hangprinter" ; change the name from the IP address of ;General Machine Settings/Conventions G21 ;work in mm G90 ;absolute coordinates M83 ;relative extruder moves G4 S2 ; wait for expansion boards to start ;Heaters and Temp Sensor ;bandheater M140 H-1 ; disable heated bed (overrides default heater mapping) M308 S1 P"temp1" Y"pt1000" A"Extruder Sensor"; configure sensor 1 as PT1000 on pin temp1 M950 H1 C"out1" Q10 T1 ; create nozzle heater output on out1 and map it to sensor 1, limit pwm frequency to 10Hz ;M307 H1 B0 R0.050 C1800 D36.57 S1.00 V12.1 ; FAILED AUTOTUNE RESULTS ; disable bang-bang mode for heater and set PWM limit M307 H1 B0 R0.319 C1028.9 D36.57 S1.00 V12.1 ; AUTOTUNE RESULTS FROM 2022-03-26 M143 H1 S300 ; set temperature limit for heater 0 to 240C ;second temp sensor ;M308 S2 P"temp0" Y"pt1000" A"Barrel Sensor"; configure sensor 2 as PT1000 on pin temp2 ;Fans ;Heatsink Fans 1 and 2 M950 F1 C"!out4+out4.tach" Q25000 ; Fan 1 uses out4, but we are using a PWM fan so the output needs to be inverted, and using out4.tach as a tacho input M106 P1 H-1 M950 F2 C"!out5+out5.tach" Q25000 ; Fan 2 uses out5, but we are using a PWM fan so the output needs to be inverted, and using out5.tach as a tacho input M106 P2 H-1 ;Kinematics and Drives ;Drives: x4 NEMA23's for Hangprinter Axis and x1 NEMA17 for extruder M18 ;disable default driver assignments; M569 P0 S0 ; drive 0 for extruder axis M569 P1 S0 ; drive 1 for D axis, goes forwards; need to create another "U" axis for D motor M569 P2 S1 ; drive 2 (Z motor output aka C) goes forwards M569 P3 S1 ; drive 3 (Y motor output aka B) goes forwards M569 P4 S1 ; drive 4 (X motor output aka A) goes forwards M584 X4 Y3 Z2 E0 U1 ;assign drives to axes and create U axis for D motor ;Step settings M350 X16 Y16 Z16 U16 E16 I1 ; configure microstepping with interpolation ;M92 X192 Y192 Z192 U192 ; set steps/mm for each spool M92 E5850 ; set steps/mm for extruder ;Speed and Accelerations M566 X250.00 Y250.00 Z250.00 U250.0 E120.00 ; set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min) M203 X6000.00 Y6000.00 Z6000.00 U6000.00 E350.00 ; set maximum speeds (mm/min) M201 X500.00 Y500.00 Z500.00 U250.00 E120.00 ; set accelerations (mm/s^2) ;Set Currents M906 X2500 Y2500 Z2500 E1500 U2500 I30 ; set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent M84 S30 ; Set idle timeout ;Kinematics M669 K6 ; Configures the Duet 3 to identify as Hangprinter Kinematics ;set anchor distances M669 K6 A0.0:-792.0:-232.0 B730.0:413.0:-232.0 C-711.0:413.0:-232.0 D0.0:0.0:2298.0 ; set Hangprinter kinematics parameters M669 P900.0 ; Hangprinter printable radius (unused for now) M669 S100 T0.5 ; Segments per second and min segment length M666 Q0.0033333 ; buildup compensation factor for ABCD M666 R75.0:75.0:75.0:75.0 ; ABCD radii M666 U2:2:2:4 ; Mechanical advantages on ABCD spools - 2 stands for doubled lines M666 O2:2:2:2 ; Number of lines per spool or "coil mode" (each line has it's own coil). 1 = coil style M666 L20:20:20:20 ; Motor gear teeth of ABCD axes M666 H256:256:256:256 ; Spool gear teeth of ABCD axes M666 J200:200:200:200 ; Full steps per ABCD motor revolution M208 S0 Z1200 ; maximum height 1750mm or some distance below D anchor M208 S1 Z-2 ; minimum height -5mm ; Uncomment M564 S0 if you don't want G0/G1 moves to be limited to a software defined volume ; M564 S0 ; Tool Definitions M563 P0 S"Pellet Extruder" D0 H1 F1:2 ;assign extruder(T1), drive(E1),Heater(h1) to tool1 G10 P0 R200 S220 -
The E axis is limited to a speed of 350 so the F2000 cannot take effect when the E is included in the command.
X has to slow down to stay in sync with E.
Thanks Frederick. That makes sense. However the thing is I cannot run the extruder past f300 due to some physical limitations (pellets start jamming in hopper as torque drops off). Eventually I will need to get a stronger motor but for the time being, is there any way to limit the speed of the extruder? Changing m92 parameter for the extruder perhaps?Im aware that typically you would have the extruder in sync with the carriage speed but just wondering if its at all possible to change that
@ravs99 said in Printer moves slower when extruder motor is spinning:
Thanks Frederick. That makes sense. However the thing is I cannot run the extruder past f300 due to some physical limitations (pellets start jamming in hopper as torque drops off). Eventually I will need to get a stronger motor but for the time being, is there any way to limit the speed of the extruder? Changing m92 parameter for the extruder perhaps?Im aware that typically you would have the extruder in sync with the carriage speed but just wondering if its at all possible to change that
I know of no way to do that other than use them in separate commands but then one will have to finish before the other begins.
@ravs99 if you want to force the extruder to under extrude and not slow the motion, then you could adjust the extruder steps/mm down by a factor of (say) 10, and the max speed up by a factor of 10. You'll get 10x less plastic out, but the motion won't slow down...
Not sure if that's what you want?
Alternatively, work out you max volumetric flow rate and get your slicer to limit to that?
@engikeneer yeah thats what I was thinking of aswell. Going to try it later today