Wifi ip
why WIFI IP address change . I did not change or update any thing on my board but I connect to the usb cord to see Wi-Fi status I found IP address change
this is entirely possible if you are using DHCP, a reboot of your router could cause this.
If you are using a recent firmware, you can configure a fixed IP address with M587 https://www.duet3d.com/wiki/G-code#M587:_Add_WiFi_host_network_to_remembered_list.2C_or_list_remembered_networks to prevent this problem. -
you are right I reset my internet modem. thanks for replay
I was just about to ask this by making a new thread. Glad you did so before me
Mine keeps changing and it's annoying
I don't know about other modems but my BT Home Hub has a check box to "Always use this IP address" for DHCP devices. So although it's initially assigned as IP address from the DHCP pool, thereafter it will always use that address which is handy.
I don't know about other modems but my BT Home Hub has a check box to "Always use this IP address" for DHCP devices. So although it's initially assigned as IP address from the DHCP pool, thereafter it will always use that address which is handy.
Thank for reply I check my modems