M561 question
I have the following macro (copied from https://www.printables.com/model/120147)
M561 ; Disable any Mesh Bed Compensation
G30 ; Probe once
M558 P8 C"io8.in" F60 H5; Probe on IO8, Feedrate 60, Probe Hight 5mm.
G31 Z0 ; Set probe height as 0 because it activates when touching the probe
; ---------------- First Tool ----------------
G0 Z5 ; Go 5mm over probe.
T0 ; Load first tool.
G10 P0 Z-1 ; Reset tool Z offset
G0 X255 Y255 ; Move to the center of the bedG30 S-2 ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered, adjust the Z offset of the current tool to make the current position Z=0.
G0 Z5
G10 P0 ; Print out the offsets;Same as above but for the other tools.
M500 ; Save offsets
; ---------------- Final Check ----------------
T-1 ;Unload tools
; **** STILL TO DO ***** Carriage Z switch as probe again, your own code
G0 X150 Y150 F24000 ; Move to the center of the bed
M118 S"If the last height isn't -1 as stated by probe height then the probe bed has moved during nozzle probes."
G30 S-1 ; Probe the bed at the current XY position. When the probe is triggered, do not adjust the Z coordinate, just report the machine height at which the probe was triggered.There is an M561 at the very beginning in order to disable mesh bed compensation but there is nothing that I can see the switches mesh bed compensation back on. Do any of the probing moves re-enable mesh bed compensation or do I need to explicitly re-enable with a G29 S1 ?
I believe you'd need to run G29 in some form again.
@Phaedrux, thank you!