BLtouch not retracting
Hmm read through most of it and noticed some interesting things. Unfortunately it's almost midnight here, and I have work tomorrow so can't try it until I get back from home tomorrow but I will try some of the things mentioned in there and see how it goes and will then update.
Btw I tried both the 5V and the 3.3V to the red on the BLtouch, same thing.
Are you running with external power applied to the Duet and the internal 5V regulator enabled? If you are providing USB power only, there may be insufficient voltage or current on the 5V rail to power the Bltouch.
No I'm using the 24V power supply (currently at 21V because of the weird problem of the Duet reporting 4V higher than it actually is while multimeter confirmed PS is supplying 24V). What is the internal 5V regulator and how do I check if it is enabled? xD. Not using the USB at all.
EDIT: Checked and the jumper is set to enable the internal 5V supply.
If the Duet is reporting 24V when VIN is only 21V, that suggests to me that your 3.3V rail is only at 2.9V which is out of tolerance. Have you measured it? Is the 3.3V regulator on the Duet getting hot? What external devices are you powering from 3.3V?
Hi dc42 apologies for the long wait, was at work and my multimeter ran out of juice (I forgot to turn it off from something I was using). You are right, I think I may have a defective unit (would like your confirmation though). I mentioned the 5V AND 3.3V. The 5V was worst, my Multimeter says only 2.8-2.9V was coming out of them (all the 5V I can test on the board) and also for the 3,3V it's reporting only 2.7-2.8V. Where is the 3.3V regulator on the duet? I don't know where it is, but I touched all the chips on the board and with my laser temp sensor and none seem to be 40C. Right now since it's for my HEVO, just the usual 5 stepper motors, the heatbed, nozzle, fan, etc. and they aren't being used.
If the 5V is only reporting 2.7-2.8V that explains why the 3.3V rail is low, because the 3.3V rail is derived from the 5V rail. Please disconnect your BLtouch, also disconnect PanelDue if you have one connected, then power up and measure the 5V rail again. If it's still at 2.8-2.9V, ask for your Duet to be replaced.
Thanks dc42. Just disconnected literally everything almost (except the stepper motors as I don't think they make that much of a difference especially when they aren't being used). Tested all the 5V again, this time it's pretty much the same, 2.85 V for the 5V and 2.76V for the 3.3V. I'll provide the pics as proof but since I bought it from spool3d, I'll contact them and supply the proof and they should offer me a replacement?
Man my luck with electronics…
I'm sorry, it does appear that you have received a faulty Duet. Spool3D, please replace it under warranty.
Np np dc42 at least it's solved now, here is a link of the pics/vids that I took as proof. a lot so I put them in a folder, hope that's okay.
What's the problem? And how solved?