Help entering new wifi password
My business moved to a new location, and I am unable to completely enter the new wifi password using the Panel Due 7. I literally cannot enter the last double quotes. That's it.
For example: M587 S"xxxxxxxxxxx" P"##################
The panel literaly won't let me enter the double quotes affter the password.
How else can I get a new wifi setup for my printer?
And no, I can't change my ssid or password, I have literally every other system setup on it already and some are quite hard to change.
@MandalaRose I don't know if there is an input limit length on PanelDue commands; in DWC it is at least 200 characters. Probably the easiest thing to do is to eject the SD card, create a small macro with the M587 command in it on your PC, then put it back in the Duet and run the macro.
@MandalaRose here's a possible workaround:
- Enter: global pw="#################"
- Then enter: M587 S"xxxxxxxxxxx" P{}
@MandalaRose or connect via USB to the board and configure it using YAT
Yeah, macro didn't work, and neither did the global. Guess it's YAT. Just a pain as the usb is a bit hard to get to on this printer.
@MandalaRose said in Help entering new wifi password:
macro didn't work
Try this one
; Add default wifi network ; M291 R"Add default WIFI network? Y/N" P"This will add duetwifi access point." S3 T10 M552 S0 ; Disable network module G4 S5 ; wait 5 seconds M587 S"NETWORKNAME" P"PASSWORD" ; Add duet wifi SSID to remembered networks list G4 S5 ; wait 5 seconds M552 S1 ; reenable wifi module M291 R"duetwifi SSID added." P"Check console to verify IP address." -
@Phaedrux said in Help entering new wifi password:
; Add default wifi network;M291 R"Add default WIFI network? Y/N" P"This will add duetwifi access point." S3 T10 M552 S0 ; Disable network moduleG4 S5 ; wait 5 secondsM587 S"NETWORKNAME" P"PASSWORD" ; Add duet wifi SSID to remembered networks listG4 S5 ; wait 5 secondsM552 S1 ; reenable wifi module M291 R"duetwifi SSID added." P"Check console to verify IP address."
That worked! Thanks!!!