BL-Touch not working with Duet2 Wifi
I am configuring BL-Touch as per below link.
when i probe @ points BL-Touch is not actuate but it's actuate in it's Up Down & Reset mode.config:
M950 S0 C"exp.heater3"
M558 P9 C"^!" H5 F120 T6000
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z2.5Bed probe:
M280 P0 S160
G1 Z1 F3000
G1 X50 Y50 Z10
G30 S-1
G1 X50 Y250 Z10
G30 S-1
G1 X250 Y250 Z10
G30 S-1
G1 X250 Y50 Z10
G30 S-1
G1 X50 Y50 Z10
M280 P0 S160 -
Share your full config.g and your deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g files.
Does it respond correctly to M401 and M402?
Check the continuity of the wire connected to heater3 pin.
Sorry but i cann't share full config.retractprobe.g
M280 P0 S90deployprobe.g
M280 P0 S10 -
@R006 Please post the response to M115 (so we know what firmware version you are using) and pictures of your BLTouch wiring (both at the BLTouch and at the Duet).
If it does the startup test (at power on the pin deploys, retract, deploys again, then retracts), power and ground are connected.
If M401 and M402 work, the PWM wire is connected correctly. If they don't, it isn't.
What value do you see in DWC for the probe value? If it's 1000, the probe is reporting it is already triggered, and that wiring will most likely be incorrect.Make sure your wiring looks like this:
See also:
and @Herve_Smith's ultimate BLTouch troubleshooting steps (I told you I would!): are so many threads on the forum about BLTouch. It almost always turns out to be the wiring, so check this carefully first, and the rest are usually configuration (which looks correct for you)!