12V Laser Connection with 5v pwm - 3 pin laser
I have 5W diode laser which has 3 pins , 12v Power, Pwm pin and GND pin, how to connect to duet 3 6hc board?
Is it correct?,
@dc42 can you please answer thisa
@adhanabal the PWM and ground connections are as you have shown them but you will need to leave the 5V pin on the Duet not connected. Connect the laser 12V and ground pins to a 12V power supply.
@dc42 if I connect with 12v and ground I'm getting under voltage
warning. Should I use separate 12v power supply?
@adhanabal That's what he said:
Connect the laser 12V and ground pins to a 12V power supply.
People with such a short attention span shouldn't play with lasers... just my 2 cent