I have duet 3 6HC, and I've just noticed the shield_gnd pin.
I can't find any documentation on this (on the hardware document page - you can see the holes on picture, but it's not listed under the pins), or elsewhere on duet3d.
I presume this is for the usual purpose of reducing interference (or as a gbd point from shields in wires?)
I was wondering what the recommended connection is for this?
I have a AC-DC power supply; do I connect it to GND on the DC output side? Do I connect it Earth on the AC input side? Something else?
@jhalewood the shield_GND pin is next to the Ethernet port. Generally it’s used for connecting shielded Ethernet cables.
@jhalewood to expand on @droftarts reply, often a shielded ethernet port will have little flexible tabs on the outside of it to make contact with the enclosure metal and give continuity of shielding. This allows someone mounting the board in an appropriate enclosure to achieve a similar connection. If you are not mounting the board in a shielded enclosure and using shielded ethernet cabling then you do not need to connect it.