New board and 2209 EZ drivers arrived. I tried some basic tests (homing and m122 output) with both ez and modified stepstick drivers. As soon as I tried 5160's, I received a short to vin error, leading me to think that I got sent faulty drivers. As for the stock and modified 2209's, I don't think they are damaged. More testing to come, I still need to finish a print first in order to give the green light to cutting the pins on a stepstick driver.I also received a reply from biqu support regarding the skr 3 ez board, saying that I might have damaged the board with static electricity, short circuits or wiring errors.
edit: there was a small glitch that almost made my heart stop where after plugging in a 2209 in the slot where there was previously a 5160, the slot would become unresponsive, and I had to powercycle the board and change the order of the drivers a few times in order to make it working again.
2nd edit: I am now thinking that I just caused the same error on this brand new board aswell. I started receieving short to vin errors again on all ez drivers. Just great.
I might have figured it out:
When I first installed 5160 drivers I noticed that the steppers were pretty loud even at standstill, at which point I realised that I was using spreadcycle on all drivers; after which I changed it all to stealthchop.Well, I am currently runing a print job (with no filament, just to see if the movement is ok) with 2209's in spreadcycle, and now it's working again just like before.
Does anyone know why changing from stealthchop to spreadcycle would fix the issue?
I will try 5160's in spreadcycle after the print finishes to confirm that this is the issue.
I can confirm that the issue only appears when running drivers in stealthchop, no mather the speed. Sitting at idle with stealthchop on 5160's is enough to summon short to vin errors, while 2209's will throw an error only before a random move.
@justGuner That's very odd, it must be something specific to your board/driver/wiring/steppers/config because we must have loads of users running with stealthchop and not getting random short to vin errors.