better error reporting
The error is likely in another file that is being called by config.g
There is already a feature request to show the name of the macro in error messages -
What happens if you add a comment line after 35?
like thisM584 Y0 X1 Z3:4:5 E2 M350 X16 Y16 I1 ;this is a comment to bump the line numbering M350 Z16 E16 M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z320 E562 then if the error moves to line 37 you know it is having trouble with that file.
Also, and i apologise if i'm teaching you to suck eggs, but:what happens if you split the m350's? like
M350 Z16
M350 E16any none printable characters in line 36?
I find the instructions a bit confusing, i see you have three motors driving Z and the notes say
Example: If you have two motors on your Z axis, physically connected to Z and E0 stepper drivers, configured with M584 Z2:3, set M350 Z16, not M350 Z16,16but in the examples for the extruders it's listing stepping for each
M350 Z1 ;set the Z-axis' driver to use full steps M350 E4:4:4 ;set extruders 0-2 to use quarter steps) though i guess they are independent extruders, not motors on the same axis.
@magnets99 said in better error reporting:
though i guess they are independent extruders, not motors on the same axis.
Exactly. Extruders are independant and require their own settings defined. Motion axis with multiple motors are defined per axis with the same settings for all motors.
@Phaedrux the error isnt in the config it was in another macro called by the config file, but you dont know which macro that causes
the error message -
i'm assuming you've proved that it's not the config.g file, But that it's calling another file
Can you not comment out half the macros and then restart?
even with ten call outs you'd work it out which macro in around three tries. -
@magnets99 hi
that what i did to find the error was to comment out each macro, it would be nice if the file could be listed as well as the line number and the column -
yeah i agree, i think it's on the feature list for the future.
just out of interest, why do you call out to other macros?