Strange thing happening homing using stall detection.
If this is not the right category please move as needed.
After a very long hiatus I have returned to work on my E3D Motion System printer.
I was looking through the configuration files to see where I left off.
I found a couple of minor problems with the homing files for X and Y and now they seem to home fine using stall detection.
With one small problem.
Every homing of X results in Y being displayed in the DWC as +0.5 from it's previous location.
So, starting with Y=0 and home X, now Y=0.5. Home X again and Y=1.0.
Any ideas why that might be happening?
Thanks much.
@fcwilt I think you will need to post your files for anyone to be able to help.
I used information I found on the Duet sites for most of the relevant values.
As I mentioned, homing seems to be working fine EXCEPT for the odd Y axis increment as appears on the DWC. I suppose I could do enough X homing to get the change to be enough so I could measure it with some accuracy to determine if it is an actual change or just a displayed change.
Here are the relevant parts of config.g
; === X Y === M92 X100 Y100 ; steps per mm (80 for 20 tooth, 100 for 16 tooth) M350 X16 Y16 I1 ; 16x micro-stepping with interpolation M203 X35000 Y35000 ; max speed (mm/min) M201 X2000 Y2000 ; acceleration (mm/s^2) M566 X300 Y300 ; max instant speed change (jerk) (mm/min) M906 X1600 Y1600 ; motor current (mA) (stepper rating 2A) M574 X1 S3 ; configure Xmin using stall detection M574 Y1 S3 ; configure Ymin using stall detection ; this line also appeared in the homing files - I kept them as I found them. M915 X Y S3 F0 H200 R0 ; set X & Y sensitivity (S), do nothing when stall (R), unfiltered (F) minimum motor full steps per second for stall detection to be considered reliable (H)
Here is homeX.g - this is based on an example I found - with a change to how the logical/physical positions are synced
G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 X0.5 Y-0.5 F10000 ; tiny moves to energize motors to ensure they are not stalled M400 ; wait for any moves to complete M913 X31 Y31 ; drop motor currents to 25% of 2000mA or 31% of 1600mA yielding 500mA M915 X Y S3 F0 H200 R0 ; (S) set X and Y to sensitivity 3 (F) unfiltered (R) do nothing on stall G1 H1 X-400 F3000 ; move left 400mm, stalling at the physical endstop (end of travel) - we hope G1 X185 F2000 ; backoff to center of bed - move determined by testing G92 X0 ; sync physical and logical positions M400 ; wait for any moves to complete M913 X100 Y100 ; motor currents back to 100% G90 ; absolute positioning
Here is all of homeY.g - this is based on an example I found - with a change to how the logical/physical positions are synced
G91 ; relative positioning G1 H2 X0.5 Y-0.5 F10000 ; tiny moves to energize motors to ensure they are not stalled M400 ; wait for any moves to complete M913 X31 Y31 ; drop motor currents to 25% of 2000mA or 31% of 1600mA yielding 500mA M915 X Y S3 F0 H200 R0 ; (S) set X and Y to sensitivity 3 (F) unfiltered (R) do nothing on stall G1 H1 Y-300 F3000 ; move to the front, stalling at the physical endstop (adjustable studs) - we hope G1 Y120 F2000 ; backoff to center of bed - move determined by testing G92 Y0 ; sync physical and logical positions M400 ; wait for any moves to complete M913 X100 Y100 ; motor currents back to 100%
@fcwilt its probably that G1 H2 move at the beginning of your homing file
@jay_s_uk said in Strange thing happening homing using stall detection.:
@fcwilt its probably that G1 H2 move at the beginning of your homing file
Well spotted! @fcwilt you are using the same G1 H2 move in both homex.g and homey.g:
G1 H2 X0.5 Y-0.5 F10000 ; tiny moves to energized motors to ensure they are not stalled
G1 H2 moves are raw motor moves. From
For a CoreXY or H-Bot machine, RepRapFirmware assumes that the motor connected to the X motor output moves the head in the +X and +Y directions when it runs forwards, and that the Y motor moves the head in +X and -Y directions when it runs forwards.
So that G1 H2 move will change the Y position but not the X position. In your homex.g file you want to move X but not Y, so use this instead:
G1 H2 X0.5 Y0.5 F10000 ; tiny moves to energized motors to ensure they are not stalled
Sorry to bother you but I'm trying to understand the reason for the G1 H2 moves.
I saw the comment about being sure the motors are not stalled - that is clear.
But what does the G1 H2 approach achieve that the following wouldn't (just talking X axis here)
G1 H1 X0.5
M564 H0 G1 X0.5 M564 H1
As I understand it the G1 H2 allows movement when the axis is not homed, which I believe my two examples also achieve.
But does the G1 H2 do something unique that the others I listed don't do.
Thanks for the education.
@fcwilt I think both of those would work too.