Extruder motor is VERY hot
I've been running successful prints with every build you create for the DuetWifi on my BigBox Dual. I've been able to print many successful prints.Currently at 1.21 Rc2. I noticed that my Extruder motor is EXTREMELY hot to the touch. like 114deg F. I've never noticed it before. But I do recall when I had the stock bigbox board (RUMBA) that each stepper driver board may need its pot tuned that would also yield a cooler stepper motor.
Since the Duetwifi has no such adjustment, what do I do, if anything?
Check this out https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Setting_motor_currents Most people do not need to run their steppers at full current, but if you do, and it runs too hot, I would explore some cooling solutions.
If this is a BigBox with a Titan direct drive then I have my current set to 900mA
I use 20mm pancake steppers with titan extruders they do get hot, I bonded a passive aluminium heatsink onto the back, problem solved.