Refitting Wired Duet with Allegro A5984 drivers?
Has anyone considered refitting a Duet 0.8.5 or 0.6 with the new A5984 stepper drivers? They're pretty much pin-compatible and offer 1/32 micro-stepping along with a new "Adaptive Percent Fast Decay" that supposedly quiets the motors down. I found a video of someone testing them on a Delta and the motors seem to be extremely quiet…
I'm seriously considering ordering a set to retrofit one of my "wired" Duets...
EDIT: I just found a thread on Google groups regarding this exact question and it does indeed look to be possible with some minor board rework. I just ordered a set and will be sure to update when I get a chance to try it.
Saw your reply on the thread:!topic/deltabot/qLXtEWB9v4YVery interested to see how you get on.
From the looks of it, since MS3 has an internal pull-down resistor I think the only modification I'll need to do is remove the VDD decoupling caps and cut the traces connecting VDD to +3.3v. I suppose another option would be to simply lift that leg and insulate it from the pad with a tiny piece of kapton…
In any event, I'll be sure to let you know how it works out.
How did you go about replacing the drivers? I made a mistake and burned two of mine out… Looking to get them replaced.