I finally had a chance to get everything mounted and connected for a first test. This machine is fitted with a Duet 0.8.5 and BLTouch…

Best posts made by W3DRK
BLTouch working
Latest posts made by W3DRK
Duet WiFi powed MonoPrice Mini Delta
Here's a YouTube video of my Mini Delta running a Duet WiFi and FSRs for auto calibration. Other than using a spare 750-watt HP server supply to power the thing, everything else is completely stock.
A 4.3" Panel Due mod is next, unless there's a firmware branch that supports serial OLED displays for printer/job status, etc.
Anyway, here's how one of the first test prints came out:
RE: Configure Cartesian Printer with dual z screw
Perhaps I'm being thick, but how does one define X,Y coordinates for the Z motors on a moving bed printer like the Prusa i3?
RE: New experimental firmware 1.19beta10
Hey David, did you see my question nested up a few posts about dual-Z motor cartesian printers?
RE: New experimental firmware 1.19beta10
Can this new independent Z motor leveling be used for dual Z Cartesian printers like the Prusa, OrdBot, clones, etc, or is this a Delta only feature? Seems like it could be used to automatically get the X-axis of the bed mechanically leveled, only requiring the Z motors to track Y-axis movement…
RE: Duet3D PCB delta printer effector sneak preview
Thanks David. Those 3 holes are for the wheels themselves.
But it looks like switching to something like this could work if I can find a printable belt fastening mechanism:
RE: Duet3D PCB delta printer effector sneak preview
OpenBuilds precision V-Slot and Delrin rollers vs cheap Chinese linear rails? No thanks…
Just go buy linear rails and enjoy the precision
RE: Duet3D PCB delta printer effector sneak preview
Wow…I've just now noticed this topic. What a stunning design, I really love the concept!
I was just planning on refitting my delta with wider rod spacing and a piezo Z-probe effector, but I really like this design better than any printable one. For folks with machines like my UltiBots 250 V-Slot...how would we go about mounting the carriage adapters to our existing wheeled carriages like these?
Also, if you haven't already is there any chance you could work with the Zesty Nimble crew so they can design a mount for this new heatsink/effector arrangement?
RE: Is this Repairable?
I repaired a Duet WiFi that succumbed to the same fate and it needed practically every 5V device including the MCU and WiFi module replaced. Unfortunately, if I were to charge for that repair it would approach the same cost as just replacing the board…
RE: Maker Select V2 w/ duet wifi-heatbed connector melted?
I am in the US, and i sent W3DRK a message about a week ago with no response…
Hmm I never received a PM notification from the Forum system. A friend just referred me to this post.
This repair would be a piece of cake. Try sending me another PM and we can work out the details.
RE: Servo Support… Eventually?
BLTouch works perfectly with Duet now, no need for the SparkFun board. And just as you suspected, it works fine with the 3.3v servo signal without any external buffering or inverting. See my post about it here: