BLTouch won't deploy.
Hello, thanks for taking the time to read and help me with my issue.
I finally decided to install my authentic BLTouch-Smart probe to use with the new P9 probe type in firmware 1.21, but I'm having trouble getting to the commissioning step because the probe won't deploy, it just flashes red at me.
DBot CoreXY, 24v PSU, DuetWifi with 1.21 firmware, Wifi Server 1.21, DWC 1.21RC4, 7" PanelDue Firmware 1.20
I have cut the trace on the BLTouch-Smart to use 3.3v logic.
I've followed the wiring diagram from the wiki connecting to probe in and ground, and using expansion Pin 1,2, and 8 for 5v, heater 3, and ground.
I have added M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; to config.g and removed the M307 H3 command from my config-overide.g
I have also added the following commands to config.g and there are no other G31 commands.M558 P9 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000
G31 X-43 Y0 Z-0.7 P25Prior to this I was using a Zmin endstop only.
When I power on the printer the BLTouch lights up and flashes red.
If I send M280 P3 S10 I1 to deploy the probe, nothing happens.
If I send M280 P3 S160 I1 to release alarm, the flashing stops and it goes solid red.
If I then M280 P3 S10 I1 to deploy the probe, it starts flashing again.I've tried the commands without the I1 value to not invert the signal but it doesn't change anything.
I think I have everything configured correctly, and I believe the flashing means that it's gone into alarm mode for some reason, but I don't know why that would be or what to try next. Any ideas?
UPDATE: It appears my probe has a sticky pin which makes deploying intermittent. View below for settings I eventually ended up using to get workable results.
So after a little more testing I have the probe deploying and retracting.
I added I1 to M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 to invert it. The wiki has a note abount inverting, but it's not clear if it has to be in the M558 command (the one given doesn't have it) or just the servo commands (which are given with it).
I now have the I1 invert flag set for both and it seems to deploy and retract when I tell it.
Unfortunately when I start dynamic testing with G30 it doesn't automatically extend the probe. If i manually extend it, it doesn't stop the bed when I trigger it, it just goes into alarm and I have to kill the power.
I tried doing a G29 detailed probe and it moves to the points and tries to probe, but at each point it says probe already triggered before probing move and it doesn't retract the probe.
Will keep banging on it.
Hey Phaedrux, you probably have but have you read these two pages? just got a BLtouch a few dayts ago and plan on installing it here in a little bit using the above pages. Will let you know if I run into issues.
I added I1 to M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 to invert it.
Unfortunately when I start dynamic testing with G30 it doesn't automatically extend the probe. If i manually extend it, it doesn't stop the bed when I trigger it, it just goes into alarm and I have to kill the power.
Try to use P9 (not P5) with M558 if you want the firmware to take care of deploying the probe automatically.
I added I1 to M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 to invert it.
Unfortunately when I start dynamic testing with G30 it doesn't automatically extend the probe. If i manually extend it, it doesn't stop the bed when I trigger it, it just goes into alarm and I have to kill the power.
Try to use P9 (not P5) with M558 if you want the firmware to take care of deploying the probe automatically.
P9 is the best solution, but is supported in firmware 1.21 and not in earlier versions.
I added I1 to M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 to invert it.
Unfortunately when I start dynamic testing with G30 it doesn't automatically extend the probe. If i manually extend it, it doesn't stop the bed when I trigger it, it just goes into alarm and I have to kill the power.
Try to use P9 (not P5) with M558 if you want the firmware to take care of deploying the probe automatically.
P9 is the best solution, but is supported in firmware 1.21 and not in earlier versions.
Sorry, I should have updated my original post. I did switch to P9 when I upgraded to 1.21. The command I posted above was from the day before when I was getting things started and copied the command from the wiki, which still had P5.
All of my testing above was done using P9 probe type.
Hey Phaedrux, you probably have but have you read these two pages? just got a BLtouch a few dayts ago and plan on installing it here in a little bit using the above pages. Will let you know if I run into issues.
Thanks, I have seen those. My plan was to try and follow along with them now that the probe responds to commands, but I'm not getting the expected behaviour. I'll keep going through my config with a fine toothed comb. I suspect that the config generator might have tossed a command or two in that is conflicting with what I'm trying to do now.
If the bltouch flashes red when you first power it up, I think that means it failed its self test. I have seen that happen when it isn't mounted vertically, so that the pin doesn't drop under gravity.
If the bltouch flashes red when you first power it up, I think that means it failed its self test. I have seen that happen when it isn't mounted vertically, so that the pin doesn't drop under gravity.
Hmm. Well it's definitely mounted vertically.
I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with the probe itself? Or there is something wrong with my config when it comes to the authentic BLTouch smart. It has inconsistent behaviour.
Here is my config for it.
[c]; ############################
; ############################M574 X1 Y2 S0 ; Set active-low switches, low end endstop for X, high end endstop for Y, Use Z1 for endstop
M574 Z1 S2 ; Use zprobe and home to min
M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; Unbind heater 3 pins for probe use.
M558 P9 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 I1 ; probe type 9 for BLTouch, dive height 5mm, inverted signal, probe speed 100, travel speed 2000
G31 X-43 Y0 Z0 P25 ; probe offset from nozzle, p is trigger value, set low for bltouch, set Z=0 for testing
M557 X5:280 Y5:270 S20 ; Define mesh grid[/c]Here are a few details that don't seem to conform to the norm:
1. The probe always seems to start in an alarm state on power up.
2. The M558 command must have the I1 invert signal parameter set, as well as the servo command, or the probe will not deploy or retract, it will simply go into alarm. It will let me release the alarm, and you can hear a small buzz from the servo, but it doesn't drop the pin. From what I've read in other threads the M558 command shouldn't have I1 set? But I've also seen people saying they don't use the I1 command for the servo commands either, so not really sure.So as it is, the probe will sometimes deploy and retract after the alarm has been released. sometimes I have to physically pull the pin down first. It's not sticky, it drops right down, but that seems to kick start it into working. Though sometimes after a power up it will simply work.
When I set it to self test and touch the pin the probe status in the DWC does change from 1000 to 0.
So it seems to work, but intermittently. Is there something in my config that is off?
I'm unable to do any further testing because when I issue a G30 command to do a test probe I get an error message
Error: Z probe already triggered at start of probing move[/c] -
Alright, now I've removed the I1 flag from M558 and it will let me do a G30 and will stop when triggered, but I'm leary to trust it since it seems to only deploy and retract half the time.
Half the time it fails on the G30 even with the I1 flag removed.
This is getting silly.
It seems to work about half the time, but I was able to get it to do a G29. Unfortunately a few of the probes failed.
It would head down to probe and bounce back up instantly as seen by those huge spikes.
At least it's accurate enough to verify what I've already suspected that my 6mm Mic-6 cast aluminum plate has a raised corner. Grrrr. Shipping damage maybe?
Here are the settings that got me here for those following along in the future.
; ############################
; ############################M574 X1 Y2 S0 ; Set active-low switches, low end endstop for X, high end endstop for Y, Use Z1 for endstop
M574 Z1 S2 ; Use zprobe and home to min
M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; Unbind heater 3 pins for probe use.
M558 P9 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 ;I1 ; probe type 9 for BLTouch, dive height 5mm, inverted signal, probe speed 100, travel speed 2000
G31 X-43 Y0 Z1.594 P25 ; probe offset from nozzle, p is trigger value, set low for bltouch, set Z=0 for testing
M557 X5:250 Y5:270 S20 ; Define mesh grid
; homeall.g
; called to home all axes
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 Z5 F200 S2 ; raise head 2mm to ensure it is above the switch trigger height
M913 X50 Y50 ; set X Y motors to 50% of their normal current for homing
G1 S1 X-305 Y305 F4000 ; course home X or Y
G1 S1 X-305 F4000 ; course home X
G1 S1 Y305 F4000 ; course home Y
G1 X2 Y-2 F1000 ; move away from the endstops
G1 S1 X-10 F200 ; fine home X
G1 S1 Y10 F200 ; fine home Y
M913 X100 Y100 ; set X Y motors to 100% of their normal current; Z homing section follows
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X150 Y150 F4000 ; Move x and Y axis over to bed center so probe is on top of bed
M558 F400 ; Set faster probing feed rate
G30 ; Do a single fast probe to home our Z axis
M558 F100 ; Set slower probing feed rate
G30 ; Probe again to get a more accurate position
G28 XY ; Rehome X and Y[/c]homez.g[c]
; homez.g
; called to home the Z axis
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 Z5 F200 S2 ; raise head 2mm to ensure it is above the switch trigger height
G1 X150 Y150 F4000 ; Move x and Y axis over to bed center so probe is on top of bed
M558 F400 ; Set faster probing feed rate
G30 ; Do a single fast probe to home our Z axis
M558 F100 ; Set slower probing feed rate
G30 ; Probe again to get a more accurate position[/c]Any suggestions on how to remove those spikes?
And sure enough, the next time I try and home it fails to deploy and goes to alarm.
I use the BLtouch connected as you say , and I use this in config.g works perfectly everytime.
M558 P5 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F500 T5000
I then use the deployprobe, retractprobe, resetprobe macros etc in the respective places in the homeall.g and homez.g.
If you need to see these I can post them.
I guess I could go back to trying probe type 5, but firmware 1.21 and probe type 9 have made it a little more streamlined to use the BLTouch.
The G30 command will deploy the probe properly now as long as the deployprobe.g and retractprobe.g files are set with the servo commands.
Here's a video of the probe failing to properly probe a point during the G29 leading to one of those huge spikes seen in the height map.
Any idea what would cause this? Or how to resolve this? Dive height too low? Probe speed too high?
I guess I could manually save and edit the heightmap.csv to remove the erroneous entries.
Which probe type were you using when you made that video? After probing a point, I can see it retracting, deploying and retracting again; but that shouldn't happen when you use probe type 9.
Which probe type were you using when you made that video? After probing a point, I can see it retracting, deploying and retracting again; but that shouldn't happen when you use probe type 9.
Probe type 9.
The video shows two probe attempts that seem to work properly. Not sure why the pin pops back out like that or if that's supposed to happen. But the third time it tries to probe right before the end of the video you can see it try to probe and immediately fail and then move on. There is a corresponding spike in the height map at that location.