Ajax error after bed probe
Hi All,
When ever I run a bed probe (via G32 S2), once the probe completes, I get an AJAX error on the web interface and am unable to reconnect.
The error I get is:
[[language]] Communication Error An AJAX error has been reported, so the current session has been terminated. Please check if your printer is still on and try to connect again. Error reason: SyntaxError: Unexpected token a in JSON at position 65 ```I am running 1.16 firmware with 1.13 web interface. If I restart the controller, I can get back in. Any ideas? -
Note that this issue also occurs after using the "Auto Bed Correction" button from the Machine control page (which I am guessing just does some flavour of a G32 in the background)
the "Auto Bed Correction" enacts your Bed.g file so yes it does whatever you set it to.
Note that this issue also occurs after using the "Auto Bed Correction" button from the Machine control page (which I am guessing just does some flavour of a G32 in the background)
Check your bed.g file, there may be a bad gcode in there.
What we really need to see is the json message that provoked the error. Can you provide a Wireshark pcap file?
Here are the contents of my bed.g -
[[language]] ; bed.g ; called to perform automatic bed compensation via G32 ; ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Sun Nov 27 2016 09:59:20 GMT+1100 (AEDT) ; Clear any bed transform M561 ; Probe the bed at 4 points G30 P0 X75 Y110 H0 Z-99999 G30 P1 X345 Y110 H0 Z-99999 G30 P2 X345 Y355 H0 Z-99999 G30 P3 X75 Y355 H0 Z-99999 S I will get a packet trace done later on and post it up.
Quick update - I have manually executed the commands in bed.g and the first 4 commands work fine, it is only when the last line -
[[language]] G30 P3 X75 Y355 H0 Z-99999 S ```Is executed that the system crashes. The probe works as expected but I am guessing when the calculation of the Z plane is done it is causing an issue. I have tried it with both S and S4 with the same result. Packet trace still to come. -
Your probe points have to been in a clockwise order, starting nearest to 0,0
OK, Another update - the Ajax error is masking some other error here related to z plane calculation by the looks of it - If I run the probe for 3 points it works fine, it only fails if I do it for 4 points (am running a cartesian setup so 4 points should be supported?)
Your probe points have to been in a clockwise order, starting nearest to 0,0
Is that true? DC42's calibration calculator suggestions points starting at the z-tower, then moving clockwise moving towards 0,0 with the last probe being 0,0…. should i rearrange the probes?
Your sequence is anti-clockwise instead of clockwise, I suggest trying:
G30 P0 X75 Y110 Z-99999 ; Bottom Left G30 P1 X75 Y355 Z-99999 ; Top Left G30 P2 X345 Y355 Z-99999 ; Top Right G30 P3 X345 Y110 Z-99999 ; Bottom Right G30 P4 X210 Y232 Z-99999 S0 ; centre, and calibrate compensation -
Your probe points have to been in a clockwise order, starting nearest to 0,0
Is that true? DC42's calibration calculator suggestions points starting at the z-tower, then moving clockwise moving towards 0,0 with the last probe being 0,0…. should i rearrange the probes?
The calibration calculator is for Deltas. For Cartesian machines, you need them in clockwise order.
I stumbled upon a similar discussion before, you can find them by searching 'clockwise' in the forum. -
OK, looks like going clockwise fixed it