BlTouch not responding to commands?
I edited the original post in this thread with the current files so you can see what is on the SD card at the moment.
Did you try with the grid size I posted above?
I am in the process of doing that as we speak.I just figured I would post the information first.
@siblues said in BlTouch not responding to commands?:
M201 X500 Y20 Z250 E250 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)
This isn't related to your BLTouch at all, but I just noticed that your Y axis acceleration is set quite low. I believe the configurator does this on purpose for i3 style machines because the bed can be quite heavy and a high acceleration can cause it to stall.
Once you've confirmed everything is working you can increase that value. Try matching the X value and if that seems like the movement is too much for the bed, decrease it a bit.
The mesh grid is working but it seems to be off center.The grid is starting about 1 inch from the left side of the bed and finishes about 1/2 inche from the right and it starts about a 1/2 inch from the front edge but is also an inch from the rear.
I get occasional z probe triggered before move during mesh grid compensation.
You can make changes to the size of the grid to adjust for that.
X50:200 means it starts at X50 and moves to X200. That's nozzle position I believe. So to make it closer to the left you can make the starting X position closer to your X offset. Let's say X20. That should get the probe close to the left edge. To get it closer to the right, increase the larger X value. So if the extent of travel on X is 220, and the probe is on the left side of the nozzle you can go all the way to the edge, minus the 20mm the probe can't actually reach.
Then if we do the same adjustments for the Y part of the grid... The probe is 45mm behind the nozzle, so when the nozzle is at Y0, the probe is 45mm behind it, so that's teh closest you can get to the front. The extend of travel is 220. So nozzle only has to be 45mm away from there to reach it with the probe. Any further and the probe would be off the edge.
So try
M557 X20:220 Y40:200
You don't have to go all the way edge to edge. It will extrapolate the areas it can't reach. The grid spacing will also dictate how far it will go. So try and use a grid spacing that will fit evenly into the distance in X and Y.
To help reduce the triggered before move error you can add some parameters to your M558 probe settings.
M558 P9 H7 F100 T6000 A5 R0.3 B1
I trieds what you listed above and it will get closer to edge on the left side but the rear and right side are a no go.I tried adjusting the numbers a few times and if I go above 230 for the grid size it tells me it can't reach the grid points.I think my endstops aren't configured correctly and that may be playing a part in this issue.The endstops for x and y are both off the bed.The extruder is -25 off the bed on the x axis and -35 on the y axis should those numbers be entered into the axis limits?
I think you should take a look at this
It may help visualize the actual size and position of the bed and should make it more clear what your axis minima and maxima should be.
0,0 should be the front left corner of your printable area where the nozzle actually is on the bed. The minima can be right at that point, or it can be further off the bed, in which case you can use a negative number.
So for example if you move the nozzle to 0,0 and then you have to move the head another X-40mm to hit the end stop you could use -40 as your x axis minima. Then from 0,0 you can move x +220mm to the right before it hits the physical end of travel your x axis maxima is 220mm. Same goes for Y.
Once the bed is accurately setup you can more accurately define your grid.
This post is deleted! -
I am having some really strange issues with mesh grid compensation.I have removed the bed and adjusted the x axis and extruder with no luck everything is pretty close to being level.I keep getting bad results after the compensation.The map looks really bad.The range is almost 5mm in difference and I know that the bed isn't perfect but there is no way it is that far off.I read a few posts from DC42 where the older firmware had issues with the homing the printer with mesh bed enabled?
@siblues can you post a picture of your height map? And also your bltouch mount?
Here is the heightmap
I am guessing the map compass/arrows are the front left corner of the bed?I have been trying to adjust the bed a hair at a time but I am having no luck.
@siblues that's quite the rainbow.
Is the BLTouch pin dirty or damaged in anyway that you can tell? You can remove the pin through the top of the body by removing the small set screw. I had some consistency issues with an older BLTouch that turned out to be because the pin was dirty and would sometimes stick.
Is your mount sturdy? Does it keep the BLTouch vertical?
@siblues said in BlTouch not responding to commands?:
I am guessing the map compass/arrows are the front left corner of the bed?I have been trying to adjust the bed a hair at a time but I am having no luck.
Yes the arrows represent your 0,0 origin, which should be the front left if it's set up correctly.
Phaedrux I occasionally get a weird issue with my Y axis.I will manually move the axis with the DWC and if I choose a 100mm move ment it will move a bit slow down and almost stop then start moving again and it does it mayne two or three times in that single 100mm move but this only happens rarely.
I removed the pin and cleaned it to make sure it wasn't something easy to fix doesn't cause me to dissasemble my printer trying to figure this out.I am now trying to readjust the grb screw and eliminating my probe triggered before move errors.
Y axis sticking on a Cartesian could mean there is some binding. Possibly the bearings are missaligned. If you disconnect the belt from the motor can you move the bed smoothly?
I don' think it is mechanical because the motors seem to slow down or at least it sounds that way.The issue only happens once in a blue moon and it is repeatable in the sense it happens exactly the same when it does.I will remove the belt and see if it is the bearings but I doubt it is that this is the first I have noticed it happening since switching over from the Smoothie board.
@siblues next I would check motor wiring.
When it happens next time send M122 in the console to get a diagnostic read out.
I will do that next time it happens because I am the type of person that something like that will drive me insane until I figure it out.
I have ordered a new BlTouch sensor and I am also sourcing a bigger bed to get the most out of my new build and at the same time trying to eliminate the bed as the culprit of my mesh grid woes.I am out of ideas as to what the issue may be at the moment I may just physically level the bed with a sheet of paper and try printing and see what happens.
Would you mind explaining how I could go about removing some of the probe points to make the probing sequence a bit quicker?