Migration from Maestro to Duet 2 WiFi
why are you changing? do you have a problem with your maestro?
He blew it up in another thread.
@phaedrux sorry, I meant configuration wise. Iirc there were some repurposed connections.
the resistor for the thermistors is 4.7k
You should be able to use your existing config.g apart from the following differences:
- If you have R2200 in your M305 lines, change to R4700.
- Duet WiFi does not support stealthChop, so D3 in M569 won't work
- The way you set a static IP address is different on the WiFi, you can't set it in M552.
- In M350, interpolation only works in x16 mode.
That's all I can think of.
@dc42 wasn't also the z probe hooked up to a different input on the promega?
@dc42 oh, and thank you
@phaedrux based on your link, https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/The_Duet_family_of_motion_control_electronics, apparently i can power my fans externally somehow? I can't find it in the docs.
3 controlled fans, 1 always-on fan connector, voltage selectable between VIN, 5V or external supply in 2
There is a fan voltage pin that allows you to input your own voltage line that will power the fans. For example, I use it on my wifi to supply 12v from my 24v PSU through a buck converter.
You'd have to check the maestro diagram to see if it's also there, but if it's similar to the wifi it is in the block of fan connectors.
@phaedrux I don't know what I'm looking for. I see an EXT 5V near the other fan headers. but that's only 5V
Look for VFAN jumper selector
@phaedrux yeah, I see those, but it only says VIN or 5V, nothing about external
@gnydick it's a jumper. You can either bridged the connection between VIn or 5v, or don't use the jumper and connect your own voltage supply straight to the pin.
Get what I mean?
@phaedrux I understand jumpers, what I don't understand is where to connect my own supply.
To the center pin.
@phaedrux and it can be a single wire from the positive of my 24V power supply?
That's right. But if your duet power supply is 24v and you want to power the fans at 24v just use the jumper to connect Vin to vfan.
@phaedrux obviously
But I blew one of my mosfets, I think. It's weird. I can hook up a 24v blower to the AOF and it works fine. I hook it up to one of the other fans on the same rail as the AOF and it just spins slowly, no matter where I put the slider. I hook it up to the other rail (just FAN2) it and runs slowly. I don't understand how it's working at all if the mosfet blew on.
Is there possibly a config problem?