@oliof the duet2wifi is in my Wanhao D6 which is still going gang busters 5 years later and will stay as is. This would be a second, for the CR10S4 which I need to work on to get into shape.

Best posts made by gzcwnk
RE: duetwifi2 v duet3mini5
Latest posts made by gzcwnk
RE: Rebuilding a duetwifi2 wanhaod6
You don't mention what firmware you are currently using. That will have a bit of bearing on how you would go about updating. Of course, you don't HAVE to upgrade the firmware. If you're totally happy with the features provided, why mess with success?
So nothing on the SDcard? I think I'll do just that put in a new card makes sense
Its has a 32gb card, is there any max size? I should be able to get a 32gb but anything less not really.
RE: Rebuilding a duetwifi2 wanhaod6
@phaedrux said in Rebuilding a duetwifi2 wanhaod6:
If I were you, I'd probably keep that SD card as a backup. Maybe mount it on the wall. Then start fresh with a new SD card. 5 years is potentially a lot of wear on an SD card.
You don't mention what firmware you are currently using. That will have a bit of bearing on how you would go about updating. Of course, you don't HAVE to upgrade the firmware. If you're totally happy with the features provided, why mess with success?
So nothing on the SDcard? I think I'll do just that put in a new card makes sense
Rebuilding a duetwifi2 wanhaod6
My Duetwifi2 has been running 5 1/2 years+ now and I intend to rebuild the wanhaoD6 since its pretty worn. Since the card is very full is it OK to reformat it? ie is there anything on it I should get off it first? settings to backup? is there a howto?
Is there any risk in updating the firmware as its so old? It runs just fine BTW many hundreds of hours use out of it.
RE: duetwifi2 v duet3mini5
@oliof the duet2wifi is in my Wanhao D6 which is still going gang busters 5 years later and will stay as is. This would be a second, for the CR10S4 which I need to work on to get into shape.
RE: duetwifi2 v duet3mini5
@jay_s_uk that table is what I was searching for thanks. CR10S4 isnt that huge though 2amps is a bit tight for its large Y stepper, I will need to check that but pretty sure its OK.
duetwifi2 v duet3mini5
Duet2wifi v duet3wifi mini5+ I have been running my duet2 well for almost 5 years now, very happy thankyou!
I want to upgrade my CR10S4 so I am looking at either a second duet2wifi or the duet3wifi mini5+ I'd like the same Interface and same functionality and run a PT100 if I can (looks like I can. I am having difficulty seeing the differences between the two, except the mini is cheaper. Why would I want the 2?
RE: At end of print a huge retraction occurs
Hi, thanks. I am currently running another print. Its probably user error on my part, but if it stuffs up I wont know why (last print was perfect) so I'll upload the gcode off the printer directly.
RE: At end of print a huge retraction occurs
@phaedrux "That's the only large extruder move." hence I am so confused I cant see why. Might install a Cura 2.x version if this continues.
RE: At end of print a huge retraction occurs
Yeah I assume that's the end where ist making the parts. i am at 97% so I am going to watch it finish, see if it goes mad. Might try videoing it.
RE: At end of print a huge retraction occurs
I have clean up the end this is now what I have,
G1 X16.802 Y104.254
G0 F7200 X18.74 Y101.75
G1 F1950 X21.88 Y98.61 E639.39334
G1 X21.95 Y98.54
G1 F1800 E637.99334
M107;ssj try 6 may2018
M83 ;relative positioning
G1 E-0.25 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure
G1 Z+0.25 E-1 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more
G28 X0 Y0
G1 Z170 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way
M84 ;steppers off
G90 ;absolute positioning
M106 S0
M104 S0 ;extruder heater off
M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it)
M82 ;absolute extrusion mode
M104 S0
;End of Gcodeif this stuffs up maybe I need a new sd card?