@bearer I was worried about it activating too quickly, as it would be more sensitive in a smaller range of height. However, I've gone ahead and followed the other instructions in dozuki and everything else functions as expected.

Latest posts made by kenblu24
RE: IR sensor goes from 0 to 1000 within 0.03mm
RE: IR sensor goes from 0 to 1000 within 0.03mm
@Phaedrux Yes, similar results.
IR sensor goes from 0 to 1000 within 0.03mm
The wordpress blog makes it sound like the sensor should be a little less sensitive, but the LED and probe readout both show that the IR sensor is really sensitive. When the LED is off, probe readout is zero. Move it down .01mm and the LED is flickering, and probe readout jumps around in the low 200s. Move it down another .01 and the LED is almost solid and the probe readout jumps between 970 and 1000. Is this expected behavior?
Duet WiFi 1.0, Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3.0 (2020-01-03b3), purchased an IR sensor from Filastruder a few days ago.
Bed is 3mm PEI from Amazon with matte black spray paint on the back.
RE: Tool Active/Standby/Off behavior
So, did anything come of it? Do we now have a way to set a specific tool to off?
Nevermind, didn't refresh before posting this.
Tool Active/Standby/Off behavior
I'm aware that T0 will cause tool 0 to be active and heat to the set temp, and T-1 will set all tools to standby temp. In old versions of RRF-dc42,
G10 P0 S-273.15 R-273.15
would not change the active/standby temperatures, but would turn tool 0 and its heaters off. I'm sure you can see the use in this, as I can turn off the heaters without changing the set temperatures. This behavior seems to be gone now, and running any negative temperatures in aG10
command just sets the active or standby temp to zero. This means a lot of tap-tap-tapping on the paneldue to set the active temp to 240.Is there a new way to turn a tool off without setting the active/standby temperatures to zero? Or is there some safety/UX risk that I can't see?
RE: G10 heat "off" and M116 wait-for-temp don't work in print files
Scenario 1 solved: Tool 0 was not activated before the G10 command, so nothing happened.
As for Scenario 2, I've been using the macro workaround to solve that and I've updated to a new RRF with different G10 temperature behavior. So, I'm going to try it again now.
RE: G10 heat "off" and M116 wait-for-temp don't work in print files
M116 tells RRF to wait until the previously set temperature is reached. M116 commands do not take the temperature as a parameter.
The behavior I expect in Scenario 1 is: G10 P0 S240 sets tool 0 to 240C active temp. M116 P0 tells the machine to wait until tool 0 reaches the 240C active temp.
This works if I run the commands in the console, but not in a print file. It's as if the M116 command isn't even there.
G10 heat "off" and M116 wait-for-temp don't work in print files
Scenario 1: I upload a file with this at the beginning. The M116 command doesn't make the printer stop and wait for the temperature to be reached.
G90 M82 M106 S0 M140 S55 M116 H0 S3 G10 P0 S240 M116 P0 T-1 T0 ;Select tool 0
Scenario 2: At the end of a print, this gets run.
;set all heaters to standby ;M104 S0 ;extruder heater off M140 S-300 ;heated bed heater off THIS ALSO DOESN'T WORK G91 ;relative positioning G1 E-1 F600 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle to release some of the pressure G1 Z+0.5 E-5 F600 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more G1 Z+0.5 X-20 Y20 F1200 ;move the head out of the way a bit G90 ;absolute positioning T0 G10 P0 R-300 S-300 ; THIS DOESN'T WORK T-1 ;De-select all tools M98 P"heatersoff" ; THIS WORKS FOR SOME REASON G1 F6000
G10 P0 R-300 S-300 M140 S-300 M99
For some reason, using the console/macros for the M116 wait and G10 "off" commands works, but not if it's in a print file.
RE: Firmware wishlist and priorities for Duet WiFi and Duet Ethernet
@resam darn
#2 would have been awesome to have. Sorry, haven't been keeping up with the updates.