@latexcupcake Thank you for this, I've adjusted all my speeds to match yours. The Z axis is much quieter now.
Which extruder do you use, if I use a geared titan will I need to have a different speed?
This is the gcode I currently have ready to print.
This is the result of "Perform automatic bed compensation/calibration (G32)"
This is the result of "Perform automatic mesh compensation (G29)"
I'm not sure what's happening with the rear left of my bed in this case...
I can confirm that Home X, Home Y, Home Z and Home All works from the "Head Movement" menu.
I have aligned the x axis with the chassis of the frame (as advised by the creator of the printer) using two identical portable USB batteries.
I went to video the start of a print and the following happened.
It completed the G28 and then completed the G32, it then did it's priming streak in the gcode. As it was doing this and as it moved to start it's first layer the extruder was clicking. I thought this was either temperature too low or nozzle too close to the bed.
I'm printing in PETG and having used this filament before I set initially set it to 230 degrees and tried to extrude, but got clicking.
So I now have it set at 245 degrees and it'll extrude (although it seems to cool very quickly so it may still not be hot enough.
I tried to print again and there was more clicking, knowing that the temperature was able to extrude now, I decided to check the z offset.
In marlin, I used to use M851 Z-. and trial and error until I had it tuned in, but because I still don't know how to do this on reprapfirmware, I decided to edit it in the slicer. I experimented until I found that 0.5 to 0.6 wouldn't click and would extrude.
When I went to print again, the printer successfully completed G28 and the four corners of G32, but when it went to probe the centre of the bed, it crashed into it again.
This is a genuine BLTouch so it should be ok, could it be it that's at fault?
I'm currently uploading a video to One Drive, you'll see that the head crashes into the bed, the BLTouch starts flashing and then it continues to print with the nozzle too close to the bed.
The video is here:
Apologies for the size, as you can see on the G28 and the four corners of the G32 the BLTouch works as intended.
Then either the nozzle crashes into the bed and just keeps crashing, or, as shown in the video it will crash into the bed, the BLTouch will start flashing and then the print will continue with the nozzle too close to the bed.