@fcwilt I have the ribbon cable and the 4 wire lead connected.

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RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
Latest posts made by DallasH
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@phaedrux The photos were before it was actually connecting, after i set the baud correctly it seems that the image quality diminished, OR it's possible that my blood sugar went high and it was my vision diminishing! I may need to change from the 4.3 to the 7 in i'll check it tomorrow, i need to do some modification to my z end stops, need to raise them 1/4 inch and add some set screws so i can easily adjust them, as i am short of reaching the bed surface by .182 in. but everything else seems to be working except the BL touch is not yet plugged into the board, that will hopefully finish the project. one other question, I would like to use a keyence fiber optic sensor that shoots a visable red photo electric beam thru my BMG extruder as a filament presence sensor. it is a std 3 wire, 9 to 30vdc NPN, 30 ma draw, I believe it would connect the same as a prox sensor, do you see any reason it would not work?
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@phaedrux ok thats why i replied about it after it was working, i will ditch the ribbon cable, could that cause the display to be a little fuzzy like not in focus. i know its pixles and no focus. but it is a little hard to read, with my old eyes.
filament runout
using a simple high switch on extruder stop e0. do i execute the M591 P1 C"e0stop" S1 D0 ; filament monitor connected to E0 endstop or dp you put it in the config folder. or just send the commands from DWC?
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@fcwilt I have the ribbon cable and the 4 wire lead connected.
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@fcwilt I UPDATED the panel due firmware. but still have unresponsive panel due.
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@fcwilt panel due v3.0a 5i display firmware 1.17 not sure what firmware to use with rrf 3.4! would this be correct ? (PanelDueFirmware-3.4.1-pre1-v3-5.0.bin)
IMG_0006.jpg -
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@phaedrux ok i finally got everything talking, everything works from dwc thru a wifi browser, but nothing works from the panel due, display looks fine, but if you touch home it pops up a screen that says files on card 0. i can find nothing that responds from the panel due
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@phaedrux win 7 ultimate, 64 bit
RE: what code to modify for z motors ,one on z and one on e1
@dallash and this error when trying to start yat! DUET ERROR2.JPG