Thank you pointing to this. It was a typo when I wrote the two lines. Sure the second line should be Y instead of X.
M574 X1 S1 C5
M574 Y1 S1 C6
Thank you pointing to this. It was a typo when I wrote the two lines. Sure the second line should be Y instead of X.
M574 X1 S1 C5
M574 Y1 S1 C6
With the new firmware 2.03 I have troubles to bring the end stops to work when I have attached the duex expansion board.
The end stops for X and Y are defined as follows:
M574 X1 S1 C5
M574 X1 S1 C6
When I check the them in the web interface in the machine properties then they change the E1 and E2 signal and vis a versa.
Wiring haven't been changed only the firmware change from beta to 2.03 stable.
C5 and C6 are correct according to the wiring diagram. And don't like to change my wirings.
Is this possibly a adressing error in the firmware?
Therefore I reach out to you to getting information to get help.
Thanks in advance
Dear all
I have in my start code a G1 movement, then heat up the nozzle and the bed and then extrude some filament and then this code to display a message which has to be confirmed before continue printing.
Reason for the pause is to have time to clean up the nozzle before starting the print. The duet3d is conected over wifi and also connected to a panel due 7i lcd display.
The problem is now, when a web session is opened that the message sometimes is only displayed on the web interface and not on the panel due 7i display. This is a little bit annoying as I have to go to the next room, only to confirm the message and head back to the room where the printer is located.
Sometimes the message is displayed on both (panel due 7i display and on the laptop or whatever machine which is connected via web interface) at the same time.
Does anyone know which causes this behaviour?
Is it firmware related or is it eventually a bug? or can i customize the behaviour of the M291 command?
Here is my starting script which I have placed in simplify3d.
The bold marked line is the line which the text above refers to.
Running on this setup:
RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet version 2.03 running on Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
G28 ; Home
G29 S1 ; Load Mesh
G21 ; Metrisches System
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M82 ; Set extruder to absolute mode
G1 Z80 F3000 ; Wegfahren um Nozzle zu reinigen
G1 X0 Y0 F3000
G1 E20 F100
M291 P"Pausiert fuer Nozzle Reinigung" R"Pausiert" S2 ; Pause Mit msgbox. Weiter mit M292
G1 X110 Y110 F3000 ; Zurueckfahren nach der Reinigung
G1 Z10 F3000 ; Zurueckfahren nach der Reinigung
Dear @nhof
Many thanks for your quick reply. I'm sorry to post my answer not sooner due to lot of work and also illnes unfortunately.
I owe you something. You saved me hours of try and error. You were exactly right.
But I could be looking at the picture wrong.
May i ask you, What was unclear about the picture?
In the picture you posted, if the bed is moving in toward you, then isn't the nozzle moving in +Y direction relative to the bed/part, correct?
Thats correct
If this is the case then you need to change your motor direction (M569), endstop direction, and homing macro files.
That solved my Problem. Thank you so much!
A general question:
In the duet wiki M574 --> Set endstop configuration
The parameter S is described as: "Snnn Endstop type: 0 = active low endstop input, 1 = active high endstop input, 2 = Z probe, 3 = motor load detection".
Therefore I'm confused. What exactly is the S parameter?
Is it the the position at which side the endstop is positioned. At the low or at the high side of the Axis?
Or is it rather a direction?
I've uploaded also a picture of the current setup with the endstop marked with purple arrows and the corresponding parameter below.
This combination worked.!
My config.g file looks as follows now (working version):
M569 P0 S0 ; X Achse / S0 = Rückwärts S1 = Vorwärts
M569 P1 S0 ; Y Achse / S0 = Rückwärts S1 = Vorwärts
M569 P2 S1 ; Z Achse / S0 = Rückwärts S1 = Vorwärts
M569 P3 S1 ; Extruder E0 / S0 = Rückwärts S1 = Vorwärts
M574 X1 Y1 S1 ; End Stop // 0 = Kein, 1 = Low-End, 2 = High-End
M574 Z1 S2 ; BL-Touch
Dear all
I have troubles to setup my Duet3D WiFi correctly.
I'm on Firmware 2.02(RTOS) (2018-12-24b1)
The problem is, that the Y Axis is moving in the wrong direction.
When looking towards the printer, then Y0 is away from me. Therefore a G1 Y200 shifts the bed away from me.
Y Endstop is at the Y+ side
Y Motor is at the Y+ side
Also all printed parts are mirrored in the Y direction.
I've played already around with reversing the motor wiring and with the M586 and with the homeall.g file as well but none of them (or combination worked).
X-Axis and Z-Axis are working normal.
Have spend already many hours to figure out what's wrong but without look. Therefore reaching out to you for help.
I've made a drawing for better clarification and also attached my configuration files and homing files.