@AJ-Quick said in Another Stratasys uPrint retrofit:
Have you continued to make progress?
Would you be able to share what you have done to make the integration a success so far? For example how connections have been made between the Duet and the Stratasys boards? Have you managed to integrate the material bay in anyway?
Biggest problem I hit when trying to be drop-in replacement was the driving the steppers. The TMC drivers appear to be adequate to drive the stepper motors but they are too smart for their own good. If you try to drive the uPrint power amplifiers with the TMC drivers, the TMC's get confused since there isn't a real stepper on the output providing back EMF and all the other goodies that let the TMC driver do it's job. If you use the Duex outputs of step/direction then you are limited to whole steps I believe and then we waste the potential of such a rigid motion gantry. I ended up just running an umbilical out through the grommet on the LHS of the electronics cabinet. With each motor having its' own connector into the cabinet, this was simple and still non invasive.
For now I'm not touching the material bays. I'd like to come back to that problem at a later date since the load/unload mechanism is really nice.
I have been working on something very similar. The goal was to make it completely plug and play. Ethernet Duet in, while still completely maintaining the Stratasys motor controllers, thermocouplers, servo drive and dual extruders. Something that can be dropped into any uPrint and be operational in only 30 minutes or so.
Some questions I have:
How did you change from the Duet's Step / Direction signals into the PWM signal the Stratasys board requires? Did you bypass the Stratasys board to run the steppers from the Duet directly?
My understanding of the stepper power amplifier block is that it functions basically like one side of an H-Bridge but it provides current limiting for each winding. It still takes step/direction inputs. I have a link someplace where the question was asked and explained. It is an unusual implementation of the driver chip, but it does work. As mentioned above, it doesn't work with the TMC drivers on the Duet so I bypassed the whole lot.
The extruder is a DC servo motor, hence the PicServo. I haven't gotten very far with that because (again), I got wrapped around the axles trying to use the existing power amplifier hardware. I will be bypassing that also. Just waiting on the required connectors to test the prototype idea.
I am keeping all of the mechanical hardware completely original; Stratasys did a fantastic job and I don't want the headaches of trying to make a reliable hotend assy when the hardware in there is excellent.
If you want to share / work together I'd love to help get something off the ground here. I have lots of information, pinouts.. etc written down somewhere. If I ever got it working, I'd be doing open source and conversion kits. Now that I know more people are trying to achieve the same, I'd be happy to start compiling data and code to post on Github.
My intention has always been to make the BOM, wiring data and gerbers available. I have no desire to supply hardware kits; been there, done that, not interested. I have started pushing bits and pieces up to github but I'm still getting my head around that ( I'm a system integrator, not a software guy).
For expectation management, I'm doing this in slow time for my own enjoyment. I will eventually have something usable to release but I'm not setting any sort of deadline. Happy to collaborate if you are interested, flick me a PM and we'll take it offline.