@dc42 thanks, the problem is solved. i have just reinstalled the firmarware.

Latest posts made by Azul
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
@bearer this version is for duet 2, not 3?.i want to connect my duet3 to an Ethernet Network
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
@bearer is there a procedure to connect Duet 3 to an Ethernet Network.
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
@bearer the Duet 3 temperature is around 41 the Pi too get warm
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
@Danal as have the probleme of connecting Duet 3 to Pi. now i want to connect my duet3 to an etehernet Network but i didn't found any Documents. @dc42
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
ok this is the phots of PT100 wiring on the daughterboard
RE: Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
before inserting PT100 connection is on, but after inserting PT100? web connection not working at all cases and apears 'DCS is unavailable"
Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC et Raspberry PI4 :DCS is unavilable.
HI i have a Duet 3 v1 and a Raspbeery pi4. i hace successed to connect my Duet 3 (Mainboard 6HC) with Raspberry Pi4 to control a motor and acquire data from endstop but the problem is when i have connected a daughterboard with a PT100 to My duet 3 the connexion is off and this error message appears ''DCS is Unavailable", wich leads to noc access DWC.@dc42
RE: Duet3/pi DCS is unavailable after wiring 24V
@fractalengineer same problem i just completed the procedure described still no luck