Please implement G18 and G19. These are pretty important operations in CNC for curves not in the xy plane.
Just bought a Duet3 and didn't find this out until after...disappointed :(.
Please implement G18 and G19. These are pretty important operations in CNC for curves not in the xy plane.
Just bought a Duet3 and didn't find this out until after...disappointed :(.
Thanks @Phaedrux! that's just what I needed. I created a cronjob to run the following script every hour while I'm trying to get things running.
now=`date +'%F_%H.%M.%S'`
filename="[backup file pathway]/$now/"
#echo $now
#echo $host_address
#echo $filename
ssh $host_address mkdir -p $filename
rsync -av /opt/dsf/sd/sys $host_address:$filename
rsync -av /opt/dsf/sd/macros $host_address:$filename
The script above requires automatic ssh login, a good link to set that up is here:
# m h dom mon dow command
0 * * * * bash /home/pi/Documents/
@robh345 same issue for me..
All devices on the same network. I can connect to DWC with iPad, iPhone, and until recently my laptop. Now, the raspberry pi connected to the Duet3 doesn't respond to pings from my laptop, but it does from other devices.
I’m going to break with the group. I like the Python style of programming and keeping the indentations. Python is widely used and when writing code on the SBC, most likely a raspberry pi, Python is the natural choice.
@Arcnsparks I tried to implement this, but I'm not having any luck. I split the axes (x axis in my case) to X & U, and try to home. But the X0 motor doesn't stop when the end stop is hit. No matter which end stop is hit first, X1 keeps going, and X0 stops. Any ideas?
Thanks @Phaedrux! that's just what I needed. I created a cronjob to run the following script every hour while I'm trying to get things running.
now=`date +'%F_%H.%M.%S'`
filename="[backup file pathway]/$now/"
#echo $now
#echo $host_address
#echo $filename
ssh $host_address mkdir -p $filename
rsync -av /opt/dsf/sd/sys $host_address:$filename
rsync -av /opt/dsf/sd/macros $host_address:$filename
The script above requires automatic ssh login, a good link to set that up is here:
# m h dom mon dow command
0 * * * * bash /home/pi/Documents/
Is there a documentation page that describes how the Raspberry Pi communicates with the Duet3?
I would like to backup the configuration files using rsync on the Raspberry Pi to another computer on my network so I don't lose the configuration files. I'm making a lot of changes getting my CNC setup, and I'd like to have a history of changes.
Thank you! I can’t wait for the release
@Arcnsparks Do you have a macro for zeroing both y-axes to zero out racking each time you home the machine?
Please implement G18 and G19. These are pretty important operations in CNC for curves not in the xy plane.
Just bought a Duet3 and didn't find this out until after...disappointed :(.