hello to all!
Github Issue #559 (https://github.com/Duet3D/RepRapFirmware/issues/559
same issue on Release 3.4.1 on my Duet2 Wifi.
If M915 was invoked with parameter R2 or R3 then no action was taken on a driver stall as if R0 had been used. R1 is working.
rehome.g and driver_stall.g are stored in the /sys/ folder. Stallguard parameter are calibrated (M915 X Y S9 H200 F0 R3). Homing is without stallguard. M915 is active during printing (started from SD-card). Printing speed is 100-200mm/s. Stepper are 1.8deg (200steps/rot) with 160 esteps.
M915 messages:
20.8.2022, 14:57:07 |
Driver 0: stall threshold 9, filter off, steps/sec 200 (39.9 mm/sec), coolstep 0, action on stall: run macro
Driver 1: stall threshold 9, filter off, steps/sec 200 (39.9 mm/sec), coolstep 0, action on stall: run macro
Driver 2: stall threshold 1, filter off, steps/sec 200 (8.0 mm/sec), coolstep 0, action on stall: none
Driver 3: stall threshold 1, filter off, steps/sec 200 (8.1 mm/sec), coolstep 0, action on stall: none
Driver 4: stall threshold 1, filter off, steps/sec 200 (40.0 mm/sec), coolstep 0, action on stall: none
-- | --
After these messages - no macro executing:
20.8.2022, 14:58:23 Warning: Driver 0 stall
20.8.2022, 14:58:15 Warning: Driver 0 stall Warning: Driver 0 stall Warning: Driver 0 stall
20.8.2022, 14:57:44 Warning: Driver 1 stall
20.8.2022, 14:57:40 Warning: Driver 1 stall Warning: Driver 1 stall
20.8.2022, 14:57:35 Warning: Driver 1 stall Warning: Driver 1 stall
my config.g:
Did I miss something?
Thanks for help!