Well, I found a post here where a guy had a similar problem. It went away when he power cycled his board instead of just resetting it. That fixed my problem too. Very weird but its working fine now.
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RE: Z Axis movement reversed while printing
Latest posts made by adrianm1972
RE: Z Axis movement reversed while printing
Well, I found a post here where a guy had a similar problem. It went away when he power cycled his board instead of just resetting it. That fixed my problem too. Very weird but its working fine now.
RE: Z Axis movement reversed while printing
@phaedrux Yes, it is but I also tried a standard print and had the same issue.
I suspect that I have some setting inverted somewhere but im stumped because I went through the setup guide and commissioning/testing process in painstaking detail and all z axis movements, bltouch probing, all move normally.
Z Axis movement reversed while printing
I have a strange problem, my z motors do not move the print bed down (Z+) as layers get printed it moves up (Z-). However, the z motors move properly (Z+ away from nozzle, Z-towards nozzle) when I manually move axes, home axes and for bed leveling.
Config files attached. Also attached gcode of test cube print.
My printer is a CoreXY, with BLTouch and all of that is working properly.
tpre0.g tpost0.g tfree0.g stop.g sleep.g retractprobe.g resurrect.g resume.g pause.g homez.g homey.g homex.g homeall.g deployprobe.g config-override.g config.g bed.gTest Cube v2.gcode