Before homing I do a Z move to lift the nozzle 6mm to ensure clearance.
Then in home.z and homeall.g I call this macro
*When I wrote this macro I'm sure it tested fully.
the deployed PWM was 0.06 and retracted was 0.03
I've just found that DWC is now reporting the PWM value to three decimal places now, not two.
But... RRF seems to store it to a much higher precision, so the reported value of 0.032 is not the exact value when deployed and won't evaluate to true.
Screenshot 2023-05-15 at 19-38-08 3Dprinter.png
Screenshot 2023-05-15 at 19-40-00 3Dprinter.png
I have changed the macro to compensate.*
;check BL Touch if sensors.probes[0].value[0]=1000 ; if probe is in error state echo "Probe in error state- resetting" M280 P0 S160 ; reset BL Touch G4 S0.5 if state.gpOut[0].pwm < 0.05 echo "Probe is already deployed - retracting" M280 P0 S80 ; retract BLTouch G4 S0.5 if sensors.endstops[2].triggered echo "Probe is already triggered - resetting" M280 P0 S160 ; reset BL Touch G4 S0.5After each homing move it's a good idea to check the success
For example