@t0a0c said in Issues Connecting from Windows 10 Laptop:
I have had a go, I don't know if this means anything much but this is what is returned:
M35 html,chromewebdata:6SW registered
newtab-serviceworker.js:1 Service Worker termination by a timeout timer was canceled because DevTools is attached.
Navigated to data:text/html,chromewebdata GET net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
The "data:text/html,chromewebdata" URL value (called kUnreachableWebDataURL in Chromium) is loaded whenever a URL fails to load in a frame (for example, via RenderFrameImpl::didFailProvisionalLoad and LoadNavigationErrorPage). The issue you explained is kind of a bug where Android WebView built on chromium fails to loads the page in question due unmapped ssl error.