1. No slowdown when printing bridges.
2. Too much options.

Best posts made by Arty
RE: Why don't you use Cura slicer?
RE: Raspberry pi Octoprint and duetwifi
I really like telegram bot plugin in octoprint. It's a pity there is no something similar in webcontrol.
Latest posts made by Arty
RE: Can you use duet wifi without z probe at all?
@veti it's manual probing. Can i just set length of my Z axis (260 mm), so if I have z max endstop I can home to Z0 without probing because board knows that 260 mm is Z max?
It works like that on other boards. -
Can you use duet wifi without z probe at all?
Hello. I have custom h-bot with z max endstop. Also I have duet 2 wifi which I used for sometime. Now I want to use it again but I don't want to install z probe because I'm used to manually level the heat bead and I don't require any of auto leveling tools.
So my question again - can I configure duet 2 wifi to print without any z probe? -
Can I home to Z max?
Hello. I have one simple question. I have custom diy h-bot with endstop in the bottom of my machine. Duet wifi guide suggests using z probe for homing Z axis to Z min and I didn't find information how to home to Z max endstop. Is it possible? How can I setup this?
RE: Raspberry pi Octoprint and duetwifi
I really like telegram bot plugin in octoprint. It's a pity there is no something similar in webcontrol.
RE: Why don't you use Cura slicer?
1. No slowdown when printing bridges.
2. Too much options. -
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
Interesting, I wasn't aware that enabling/disabling WPA2 could make a difference. Have you tried DuetWiFiserver 1.20+1 yet? It's at https://github.com/dc42/RepRapFirmware/blob/dev/EdgeRelease/DuetWiFiServer.bin (follow the link, then press Download).
Sorry no help. I'm still using with AP without password (set my AP to use MAC address filters because of security). Sometimes I experience rare disconnects.
AP with WPA2 password just don't work in my case. Firmware now - 1.21RC0 and 1.20+1 wifi. -
RE: BLTouch working
I'm using original Bltouch Smart. Connected it almost like duet3d wiki says, but instead of first 5v pin I've connected it to second 3.3v pin because I set bltouch to use 3.3v logic. Works like a charm.
Besides I've tried to use it half a year ago with MKS SBASE board (3.3 logic), but it was constantly stuck in error mode. I could reset it and move pin, sometimes I could even make a bed leveling. -
RE: Can't connect to wifi after firmware update
Hello. I'm new owner of duet wifi and also was experiencing problems with connecting. My wifiserver version 1.20 (also I had problems with preinstalled 1.19). In the beginning it connected but I've had numerous connection losts and AJAX webcontrol errors. So I've tried updating it to 1.20 version. It worked some time but after that it stopped connecting at all. Changing channels (btw in my flat it's totally useless because ALL 2.4ghz channels are overloaded, so I mainly use 5ghz wifi for my devices), wifi modes, I've tried everything - even using dedicated asus rt-n66u router solely for duet, but it wasn't any help.
And when I was totally frustrated I've tried to connect to my neighbour's open (no password) DIR-320 router (d-link I presume).
And it connected with no problems! Webcontrol was loading just instant, no AJAX errors at all.
So today I want to try creating AP with no password on my routers and see how it goes with duet. (Also want to try static IP address).upd:
- static address - nope, it didn't help. It connected and got IP but I couldn't open webcontrol, it starts loading but very slow.
- Created AP with no password - connected with no problems.