Hey, thanks alot for a reply.
I always thought a Gcommand M574 takes care of the enstops? Ofcourse i might be dead wrong and might be missing something major, but here is the Level-X axis test i have been struggling with:
M913 X100 Y100 Z100 ; set motor currents to 100%
G91 ; relative positioning
G28 ; home Axes
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 X125 Y55 F6000 ; move extruder to the middle of the X axis
M564 S0 ; disable minimum and maximum axis limits
G1 Z305 F6000 ; Move Z axis just below top
M913 Z40 ; reduce Z motor current to 30% of set current
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 H1 Z15 F300 ; move Z axis 20mm up slowly levling the X gantry
M913 Z100 ; return Z motor current to 100% of set current
G90 ; absolute positioning
M564 S1 ; enable minimum and maximum axis limits
M208 X256.9 Y214 Z316.50 S0 ; set axis maxima
G1 X11.5 Y4.5 Z10.0 F6000 ; go to first probe point
M400 ; wait for current moves to finish
G30 ; probe bed
I alos have M208 command included in cofig file, where i tried to limit the movement of the axes, but not sure if that works in the way i thought 
I downloaded the config and macros of the github, both were made directly for the version i am using - Caribou3d Duet 2 Wifi 320 with SE thermistor and PINDA2.
Any further help on how to get the tests up and running and start printing would be greatly appreciated!
Best regards,