I've been working on a little print monitor using an ESP8266 and a 2.4" color touchscreen display to monitor up to four printers (see pictures). Three of my printers are Marlin with OctoPrint, and my newest is a Duet-based machine. This is solely a monitor - it does not perform any control. I'll be posting the whole thing to github when it is slightly less of a shambles.
I'm just beginning to add Duet support and I have a couple of questions on the use of rr_connect / rr_disconnect.
First, do I need to use them at all? I can run curl commands against my printer without first performing an rr_connect.
If I should use them, should I perform an rr_connect followed by rr_status / rr_fileinfo and then an rr_disconnect every time I want to poll status? If not, when should they be used?
Input is appreciated.