I am currently configuring a custom 3D printer and so far have overcome all of the other problems and am now at my wits end regarding my BL-Touch...
->Problem description:
When turning on my machine, the Probe does its automatical restract-and-deploy test 2 times, like it should. Afterwards, it turns red (constant, not blinking). M401 and M402 do what the should do. But when I call G30 OR G29 to home, the Pin won't deploy on its own, so if I wouldnt hit the Emergency-Stop, the hotend would crash down into the bed (since Z-axis is moving).
my M115 says Reprap 3.2.2

my config, my homeall and homez
homez.g homeall.g config.g
I would be extremely grateful for your help as I am under time pressure; and since this is the last thing to adjust before a first testprint, I am quite unnerved.

Looking forward to your answers 
I forgot to mention quite a few things:
I am using Duet 3 MB6HC and the reprapfirmware-online-configtool
Also I did the wiring according to this guide on duet dozuki:

so my black (endstopground) and brown (powerground) cable are connected immediatly after the bl touch (not quite sure if this could give me a problem, thats why im mentioning it here)