I recently stumbled uppon IceSL, which looked very interresting.
The included printer profiles did not generate G10
and G11
for firmware retraction, so I needed to create a new profile. Maybe this is of use for someone else, so I put it on github: https://github.com/darookee/icesl-duetwifi.
I use scripts and macros for a lot of things, so instead of generating a start and end g-code the generated g-code file relies on macros stored on the Duet. This has the advantage that you don't need to re-slice a model for everytime you change something in your start and end procedures. It also just generates the code to set the bed temperature, as selecting a tool with Tn
will heat the tool up to the temperature set with G10
, in combination with the filament feature of the WebUI the files generated with this profile are almost material independent.